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Oriental Interests

Lillian Too's Basic Feng Shui

Our Price : USD 13.50 

    Lillian Too is Malaysia's most popular writer on Feng Shui. She is a reknown feng shui master and her feng shui books are sold worldwide. She has managed to advise top Malaysian and Hong Kong businessmen and politicians and her services are widely seeked by them.

    Here she shares some of the basic fundamentals of feng shui compiled in a  simplified, user friendly and fully illustrated manual on the practice of feng shui. For those who want it really easy!



USD 13.50


Lillian Too'S Personalised Feng Shui Tips

Our Price : USD 13.50

    In this book Lillian tries to be more detailed and practical in bringing out the practise of feng shui to suit each individual's needs.

    Among others, you will be taught about the wish fulfilling cow with three symbols of wealth brings auspicious good fortune - the wealth urn filled with ingots, the money tree and three auspicious coins - placed against a red background. This activates the symbols with precious yang chi. A card for wishing a loved one success, victory and encouragement is also included.

    This book is definitely for you if you are serious about using feng shui to improve your life and your living environment.


USD 13.50


Lillian Too's Practical Applications Of Feng Shui

Our Price : USD 13.50

    Lillian Too's Practical Applications of Feng Shui is a valuable, easy reference manual loaded with examples and illustrated to answer your every question on the practice of Feng Shui. It shows you how to use Feng Shui for locations, houses, offices and buildings, as well as what tools and techniques to use to enhance Feng Shui.

    Also included are sections specifically on applications of Feng Shui for career and business success and special Feng Shui techniques and formulas. This book should be a reference for many Chinese businessmen or anyone who is interested to use the ancient art of feng shui to improve his business, career, personal and family life.



USD 13.50

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