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The National Rock Paper Scissors League, but you can call us the NRPSL

This site is more of a museum now, so the links aren't kept up (in fact, now they're all dead), our new site can be found at I recommend clicking here, but the choice is yours...Oh and by the way, we're now the World Rock Paper Scissors League.


Welcome to the NRPSL. If the title of the page fooled you, then I'll repeat for your benefit that this is the home of the National Rock/Paper/Scissors League. In order to prevent further discussion, I will say that there are a variety of other orders that R/P/S can be put in...I recognize this, but for the sake of conserving space, I chose one. Ok? Are ya happy? Good. Well, I digress. So, what brings you to this internet locale? Wait...I don't care. All that matters is that you're here. So let's get down to business. I've founded the NRPSL for the glory of wasting time and procrastination: two things that are both synonomous and the goal of every college student. My goal is simple: start a league in a sport that has yet to be capitilized on by the general populace (TNN already stole my idea for the return of Roller Derby) that will subsequently sweep the nation, bringing traffic and commerce to a screeching halt! Mwa ha ha ha...I digress again. To join click on the moderately sized lime green link below. If you actually don't know how to play than click on the rules page or the links page. Or just take a tour of this not overly complicated webpage full of tremendously useless stuff that probably won't help you much in life. Got it? Good.



Rules and Regulations

The Formula

Site News for 8/4/99

3,053 people have visited this site since 1/27/99. Oh my God...ok, well, I've been silent for awhile now, so, I guess I should ramble for a bit. Anyone who wishes for an explination of the playoff happenings, should go to the new and slightly improved playoff page. Quite a bit of rambling went on there if what follows isn't sufficient. Now here's some cutting edge brand-spanking-new-news: the NRPSL is going to be moving, as we now have our own domain,, and we are to become "The World Rock Paper Scissors League." Congratulations also go out to Kevin Donlan of Chicago, for being our 3,000th visitor. That is all.

In REALLY OLD NEWS: Well congrats go out to Matt "Zero Hero" Widener, for being the lucky 1,000th visitor. Still waiting on who is 2K. See details of this (meaning #1,000) momentous occasion including me mocking all that I have created and Matt (who I did not create) on the Millenial Celebration Page. Here's a brief recap of what the page has to offer: the Quotes page which features the more clever of challenges issued during the heat of battle, the history of the wars with copycat cults, a credits page to thank all the vassals, and a refurbished link section (only new in the fact that there are new links). As for the "older" parts of the page...there is a Song Parodies section including my ultimate creation "Hungry, Hungry Hippos: The Musical." Also check out the the pages devoted to palindromes, and the retelling of the historic and groundbreaking War vs. The Fifth Society. It is very long, but still worth the effort for those who wish to find out how I wasted my time before creating this. Also give a look see at the graphic for The Order of the Individual Cereal Unit near the bottom of the page, just one of the many perks that come with induction into such a hallowed order. And finally be sure to add the logo of the NRPSL (also at the bottom of the page) to your website if you decide to join. Enjoy my insanity and send your psychoanalysis to

Final Standings
The Playoff Picture

The Emblem of our Hallowed Order

The Order of the Individual Cereal Unit

The Member Crest

The Crest of Membership...put it on your own site to shock and confuse

Some Religious Affiliations

Blessed Be! The Holy Potato God Cometh!

Oh, methinks that there is a Starch-Based Satan afoot!

Write me...if you dare...mwa ha ha ha!

Got here via search Engine? Here's the New Web Page

Open your mind