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SquirrelMaster by SolidEcho (Classic)

This web site is a SolidEcho production with the help of angelfire,lycos for hosting this collection of art. This is really The SquirrelMaster's Site and his the boss (ex. If the Squirrel had a job he would probably be the boss). The Squirrel has made this so that you kids can live to what me (The SquirrelMaster) and GOD have conseived you to be. We do this by collection the most pressing madders in this world to date and we call this... SquirrelMaster_Ness. !*If you are aving any problems with this site and wish to talk to the boss then your Stupid*! But if you cant seem to read the print just high light it then it will be in white with a blue line running through it. !*SquirrelMaster has launched a new home page called SMX (squirrel master exhibit) and to enter click on the SMX beta open button*! .

Game Downloads
3rd Part Games
How to Rob
Flash Videos
SMX beta open
