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Academic Reflection

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You would think that if you're the baby of the family you'd be spoiled and everything would come easy for you, but that'd not true. I'm living proof. My name is Nain Noriega. I am sixteen years old and a senior at Castle Park High School. I am also the youngest in my family. I live with my parents and my sister. Even though my sister and I are almost four years apart we are still pretty close. I think it is because it is only the two of us and we only have each other. My parents and I are pretty close also. They push my sister and I to do our best in everything we do. I've had a few challenges in my life, but of course I didn't go through them alone. I had my family with me and we supported each other. My first real big challenge that I can remember was when I was nine years old and my Dad had an accident at work. He had to have back surgery and ever since then things haven't been the same, it changed him and affected the whole family. Another challenge that I had to go through happened recently. My grandpa passed away this past December. It hit me really hard. I didn't think it was going to happen so soon. I really wanted him to see me graduate, at least from high school. I was really attached to him because he took care of me since I was a year old, and he moved in with us when I was four, so all my life I was with him. Now if I ever accomplish something I do it with him in mind.

My school is very important to me and I am very proud of my school. I've been going to Castle Park since I was four, since I started kindergarten, so I guess you can say that I've been a Trojan all the way. I just love the way my school and community are so diverse. My school is probably one of the most diverse schools in our district. I mean you have a little bit of everything.That is what makes my school special in its own way.

I have many goals set for myself, and I am pretty sure I can achieve them all. My first priority of course is going to college. I want to major in Education. I'm still not too sure if I want to be an elementary school teacher or a high school English teacher, but I know for sure I want to go into education. After I become a teacher, but before I get married, I want to travel. Traveling has been a an interest of mine. If I can't travel the world I would at least try and tavel around the United States or to Italy for sure. I would also like to get married one day in the future and also start a family, but of course that's after I've already settled down with my teaching career.

For being a sixteen year old I have a very busy life. I am involved in a couple clubs at school and a few athletic teams as well. I am also a part of the Advanced Placement and Internationak Baccalaureate programs given at my school. I am in my schools Associated Student Body, along with Link Crew, Octagon Club, and the Spanish Club. These clubs are mostly based upon helping out throughout my community. I am also on my school's Dance Company and on the Varsity Cheerleading Squad. I would really like to pursue my dancing, but for now it's just a fun extracurricular activity that I love doing. My classes are very important to me. I know they will help help me in getting into the university of my choice. Although I live a very busy life right now, I know it will benefit me in the future.