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The Ritz Bar & Grill The Ritz Bar & Grill has several planned events every month.

The last Thursday of every month is Quiz Night. Teams of a max of 8 people battle it our with our resident Quiz Master. Free nibbles at half-time helps you to put that grey matter to work and triumph over the other combatants!

Pay-day has to be the most looked-forward-to event in most working peoples weeks and at The Ritz it is no different. Every Friday we have a Pay-Day Party which includes drinks promotions, resident DJ, Karaoke and a free buffet!

Special events are also catered for including Function Nights. You can book The Ritz out at the weekend for your office party. A large dance floor and expert and fun staff will make your night memorable.

We hosted the 2004 Children In Need Night at the bar and had lots of fun doing it too... Have a look at some of the pictures from the night - bearing in mind this was just the fun that the staff had!!!



The Ritz Bar & Grill, 2 Lochside Place, Edinburgh Park, Edinburgh, EH2 9DE Tel: 0131 317 8800 Fax: 0131 317 1110