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you can't live without them, and "net" friends are real friends !!!

Randy ......Sweetheart......I love you so very much.....*soft kiss*
zOOOOm (my best internet friend - thank you for always being there for me *hug*)
Melanie (my favourite Molester *l*)
Lev (I am still waiting for the money you owe me !!!)
Steff (where the hell is you Ms Piggy *l*)
Rusty (a sweet Hawiian, but Rusty, the beaches are better here !)
Shirin (she may live in Switzerland but she is no Heidi *l*)
Serena (my on-line cyber Sister !!!)
Dr Mack (stop moving around so much *lol*)
So Silky (a really sweet girl who keeps borrowing my clothes *l*)
Kathryn (not just a fellow Aussie, but a fellow Brisbanite *l*)
Symbol (my personal stalker *g*)
Jules (Kathryn's sister and keeper of the Tub Photo Gallery !!!)
Angel Monty (lives in Sydney but we can forgive her that *lol*)
Way (a very, very sweet Texan.....*big hugs*)
Denny (get out from under Kathryn's comp desk *l*)
Beeswax(gets into movies free - can I come too *l*)
KC14 (he is as scared of flying as I am *l*)
% (I know his name but I am not telling *s*)
Rose (hang in there girl, it does get better *hugs*)
and last but definately not least

Dr Love (my rescuer .... Hercules to My Xena !!)

I have also lost track of a few...if you see them, tell them I said hi *s*
Honey Monster, Baghira, Brettles, Manny, Diggity, Kimbo, ClayMan

If your name isn't here, it wasn't on purpose, let me know and I will add you !!

If you visit any of my friends pages from here, please sign there guestbooks *smile*. Thank you !!!

Remember : Friends help you move, but real friends help you move bodies !!!!

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Some links for you
Dedicated to the man I love !!
Some pictures of us !!

last updated 3 October 1998