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Randy & Linda's Album

~Welcome to our album~.
Hey, we've added some more pictures !!!!

For those who don't know, Randy and I met online, and were married on April 29, 2000 in Brisbane.

Here I am carving my first pumpkin. Yuuuck !!!!
But so much fun !!!
Halloween 1999

The engagement ring my wonderful boyfriend gave to me.

Here we are ready to head out to a costume party.
My dad is on the left, my Mum, my sister Tracey, Randy, and finally me.

Some guy we found who was just kicking back, and relaxing.
Actually, it's a halloween decoration at Randy's sister's house.

My dashing husband Randy, taken at my cousin's 21 st birthday party in May 2000.
The parrot was at the bar getting something to drink, in case you were wondering.

Can you believe I'm about to get into the ocean 30 km. out to sea !!!
Taken out on Norman Reef, during our honeymoon, May 2000.
By the way, Norman Reef is part of the Great Barrier Reef, and is a MUST SEE if you visit Australia !!!

This was from my hens night.
I'll let the picture speak for itself. *LOL*

Randy and I decided to get "Elmo" tattoos while on our honeymoon.
I won't lie and say that it didn't hurt.
One look at my face will give you the answer to that question !!!
OWWW !!!!*LOL*

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Some pics from my trip !!