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The West Wing
Continuity Guide


Episode Quick View: Season 1 | Season 2 | Season 3 | Season 4

Age: 21 (when he joins the team)
Education: Trying to raise his sister before he goes to college, but then since his mother was shot when he was 20, why didn't he go to college up until then?

Professional Work History:

  • Used to caddy for three summers Sandy Hooks, a golf course Peyton Cabot Harrison frequented. [#9] and worked as a waiter in an exclusive club called the Gramercy Club, an all-white club of which Ken Cochran used to be a member. [#21].
  • Charlie originally applied for a job as messenger at the White House. [#3] Despite excellent grades and ACT scores, Charlie put off college until his sister graduates from high school. [#3]
  • His job often requires 20-hour days, long trips at the last minute, a lot of wait and hurry-up, and the ability to make himself invisible in plain sight or an undeniable force to those who want more time than the President can give, even if they are kings or prime ministers. He is often referred to as the President’s body man. [#3]
  • He is paid $600 a week. [#19]

Personal & Family Spouse or Relationship:

  • Dating Zoey Bartlet, (President's youngest daughter.)
  • Parents: His mother was a police officer, shot and killed June of 1999 by a Westing .38 revolver firing KTWs, also known as cop-killer bullets. [#25] (If they ever find the man who shot his mother, Charlie says he wouldn’t want to see the man executed, he’d want to do it himself. [#14]) His father is long gone.
  • Siblings: He has a younger sister named Deena whom he cares for. [#3] Charlie has a driver’s license and his own bike. [#3]
  • He has been known to play basketball with the President and senior staffers outside the White House. [#5]
  • He plays poker with the senior staff, but he says he is not very good. [#6] White Supremicist groups have being making death threats against Charlie and Zoey. [#17]
  • Sometimes Charlie can have a real smart mouth, (not the bad kind though). [#50]

More Information:

  • His grandparents live in Georgia. [#7]
  • The night Charlie’s mother was killed she wasn’t orginally supposed to be working that shift but he had asked her to switch. It was a year ago June. [#25]

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