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The Big Adventure -- Kathmandu & You

Sights from My Tenth Day


Work was going well at WATCH. The classification system was set up and they were starting to use it to organize their collection of books, reports, and government documents. I took a couple of days off to see Bhaktapur Durbar Square, Nagarkot (6,500 ft. high), Sankhu, and hike through some villages. It was wonderful to get out of Kathmandu and up the mountains surrounding the valley. Charla (on the right), who arranged my whole trip with WATCH, and her friend Laura organized the trip and accompanied me on it.

I didn't take a single picture in Bhaktapur. It was a nice change. The shots that follow are of some of the flowers around the neighborhood where I stayed in Kathmandu.

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Last updated 4/26/04 by Edward Elsner. 100% original content.