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The Big Adventure -- Kathmandu & You

Sights from My Ninth Day


Saturday is the weekly day off in Kathmandu. Last week I was in downtown Kathmandu at their Durbar Square (palaces and temples of most import). Today I am at Patan Durbar Square with Bhagawan and Pramila. The Kathmandu Valley was originally home to several separate cities that have all merged over time into present day Kathmandu.

After Patan and the amazing museum in the old palace there, we took public transit across the entire valley to the Stuppa at Swayambhu. All the public transit is privately operated with people trying to get as many paying fares as possible onto their vehicle all the time and yelling out their destination as they drive through the streets of Kathmandu. Everything from full size busses to small, and underpowered, three wheeled tuk tuks, which we did ride in during the course of the day.

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Last updated 4/26/04 by Edward Elsner. 100% original content.