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Friday, 17 September 2004
Normalising Relations with Russia

Leaving Saturday for a trip to the Former Soviet Union. I will try to improve relations with at least one Russian her name is Tatyana. What we sometimes find ourselves doing to promote World Peace! ;-) 99 Luftballons

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 2:56 AM CDT
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Updated: Friday, 17 September 2004 4:17 AM CDT
Tuesday, 14 September 2004
Committees of Correspondence
The American Revolution
Committees of Correspondence
In an era before modern communications, news was generally disseminated in hand-written letters that were carried aboard ships or by couriers on horseback. Those means were employed by the critics of British imperial policy in America to spread their interpretations of current events.

Today we are in the midst of the Second American Revolution. It is a Revolution of Information, no longer can elite gateways control what we can see, hear and discuss.

To the Committees of Correspondence of the Second American Revolution, the BLOGS this space in the internet is gratefully dedicated.

Special committees of correspondence were formed by the colonial assemblies and various lesser arms of local government. The committees were responsible for taking the sense of their parent body on a particular issue, committing it to a written form and then dispatching that view to other similar groups. Many correspondents were members of the colonial assemblies and also were active in the secret Sons of Liberty organizations. In the early years, committees were formed to address a specific problem, then disbanded when resolution was achieved.

The first formal committee of correspondence was established in Boston in 1764 and was charged with rallying opposition to the recently enacted Currency Act and the unpopular reforms imposed on the customs service.

I do not intend it to espouse any profound thoughts of my own. Though I may comment from time to time.
It is a place for me to store the Committees of Correspondence that I find of value in the Bloguniverse, their addresses and some of their posts.

If you find it useful, then that is an added benefit.

If you have made it back here to the beginning of my blog on this date or after Sept 4,2006, you probably noticed I changed my mind and have been posting some of my own thoughts, though the part about not being profound is probably still true ;-)


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 11:33 PM CDT
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Updated: Wednesday, 6 September 2006 4:04 AM CDT

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