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Monday, 19 December 2005
It's Thank a Soldier Week
This just in from

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Take part in Thank a Soldier Week: Say 'Thank You' today

As we embark upon the holiday season, we must not forget those who are away from their families defending our freedom. is hosting Thank a Soldier Week this week, Dec. 19-25, to honor our heroes and collect messages of hope for our men and women in uniform.

I ask for your help this week:
Say Thank You: As you are out and about over this week, if you see a service member in uniform, take a few moments to stop and express your appreciation.

Send a Message: Go to to send your message of hope. Over 30,000 messages have been received thus far and will be sent to those in service in the U.S. and overseas. Encourage your friends to do the same.

Make a Donation: Contribute to one of the many worthy foundations that offers help and support to service members and their families.

I know there are friends and family that you will call up and tell about Thank A Soldier Week, but let do the work for you this time. Cut and paste their email address in the box below and hit submit.
Tell Your Friends Today!
Enter your friends' email addresses,
separated by a comma.

If every subscriber adds just one email address to our list, we will double the number of people who will be participating this week and saying thank you to those defending our freedom. We hope this week will make this season a joyous one for our heroes.

Drew Bond, Founder
Thank A Soldier Week

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third world county at Ironic juxtaposition: Guard the Borders/Open Post


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 1:57 AM CST
| Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
Updated: Tuesday, 20 December 2005 7:31 AM CST

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