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Monday, 8 November 2004
Where the big money came from and where it went to
Top Individual Contributors to 527

Out of the top 5 individual contributions #5 was 5 million for Conservative groups #s 1 through 4 added up to 67.9 million for groups like ACT etc Not too hard to see who the Big Money in Politics backed. The total picture of contributions for this election will not be known until after this years taxes are filled but historical data can be found here

Campaign Contributions, 2001-2002 (Hard and Soft Money)

What you will see is that the Republicans get more of the smaller contributions the Democrats share goes up as the size of the money goe up until at contributions of 1 million dollars or more the Democrats get 92%. Now WHO exactly is the Party of BIG MONEY?

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 3:39 PM CST
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Updated: Monday, 8 November 2004 3:50 PM CST

Thursday, 25 November 2004 - 8:42 AM CST

Name: baldr369

things are tough here in the ME i work throughout the mid east and fly where i and my skills are needed. ten months and no end in sight. i do not do this for money, glory or because i am a patriot. i do it because i love my family and my friends. even though i know my head will be a little twisted when i get back my family and friends will help me. the men i meet here will forever be in my thoughts as is the men from SE Aisa. my heart is heavy on this one i lost a nephew here. so i leave the ME with me family blood on the ground. the gods are with me and i will rotate.

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