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Saturday, 15 August 2009
Change We Could Die For
I attended the local Townhall Meeting this morning.  Some observations are
Unlike the defamations we have been hearing about Citizens exercising their First Amendment Rights to Assemble and Redress the Government of the Grievances.

Why are these meetings brimming with so much anger? Because Republican Astroturfers have joined the same old right-wing broadcast demagogues that have been spewing hate and fear for years, to create a tempest.

I saw only handmade signs by the Anti-Administration Health Care Plan, and while I did see ONE handmade Pro Plan sign the rest were Mass Produced,

 So who are the Astroturfers?

 During the meeting there was a heated conversation between a couple sitting beside me and a woman on the row below us, When the man exclaimed " YOU want People to die in the streets"  I jumped in with the statement that NO ONE in America is denied essential medical care due to lack of insurance or ability to pay,  He backed down because he knew that was true. 


While there I head my Congressman making light of the idea that Death Panels would be enacted, and claiming that what had folks upset was  merely a provision to have health professionals help patients with End of Life Decisions.

 My Friends Death Panels are ALREADY in action in this Country and they actually are helping patients with End of Life Decisions.,

Patients who are DENIED treatment are helped to enter Assisted Suicide Programs

In Oregon,  One of the States whose program is pointed to as a Model for the proposed National Plan

Via the Big Lizards Blog we have

State Health Care Plan: Traveling Eternity Road - on a One-Way Ticket

The Oregon Health Plan, more or less a real-world model of ObamaCare, is under tremendous pressure to cut costs. They have found a unique way of doing so: They no longer pay for life-saving chemotherapy for cancer patients with less than a 5% chance of survival for five years... but they will pay to help kill them:

Barbara Wagner has one wish - for more time.

"I'm not ready, I'm not ready to die," the Springfield woman said. "I've got things I'd still like to do."

Her doctor offered hope in the new chemotherapy drug Tarceva, but the Oregon Health Plan sent her a letter telling her the cancer treatment was not approved.

Instead, the letter said, the plan would pay for comfort care, including "physician aid in dying," better known as assisted suicide.

"I told them, I said, 'Who do you guys think you are?' You know, to say that you'll pay for my dying, but you won't pay to help me possibly live longer?' " Wagner said. [Hat tip to Sachi]

So... under government medicine, Barack H. Obama's grandmother shouldn't get a hip replacement, because she's going to die soon anyway; Sarah Palin's son Trig, who has Down Syndrome, wouldn't get long-term treatment because Down is incurable; and Barbara Wagner begs for cancer treatment -- and instead gets a not-so-subtle hint that she should contact a physician about how to "reduce the surplus population" by committing suicide.

There is really no nice way to spin this.

Yes there will be NO Death Panels who will deny an individual patient treatment, just Criteria which will do the same thing.

BUT the will offer them a Painless Easy Death.

I wonder will they also have showers for Undesirables?

Yes such a wonderful program we Taxpayers will get to fund



Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 5:30 PM CDT
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