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Jane and Jeff are about to leave for a swanky Halloween party when Jane comes down with a terrible headache. Knowing how much her husband wants to go, she tells him to leave without her. "But it won't be any fun without you," he says. She slips his Lone Ranger mask over his face and says, "Go, Jeff. I'll be here when you get back." With a reluctant sigh, Jeff leaves.

Two hours later, Jane feels much better and decides to surprise her husband. She gets into her costume, mask and all, and drives to the party. She spots her husband easily among the ghosts and goblins ... and notices that he's cavorting among the masked females, copping a feel here and sneaking a kiss there! Steamed, Jane decides to play a little trick on her wayward hubby. She strolls over to her masked man and flashes her most seductive smile. She leads him upstairs, to a bedroom, and they make love.

Just before unmasking at midnight, she slips away and drives home. "I can't wait to bust him for this," Jane says, slipping under the covers. A few minutes later, Jeff stumbles in, reeking of beer. Jane smiles and says, "So, how was the party?" "Dull," he says. "Me and the guys spent most of our time drinking and playing poker." "Really? So nothing interesting happened? Nothing at all?" "No, not really," he says. "But you will never believe what happened to the guy I loaned my costume to ..."