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Ah, this room's full of Cowboy Bebop stuff.  Check out the homemade wallpaper!  Okay, it's a bit uneven and not all that great, but it was really fun to make!  If you look closely, you might notice that the smiley faces have individually designed cheeks.  Those were some of my last-minute touchups.  -^_^-  Made with MSPaint.

Later, I'll put in some of my Ed impressions.  Forgive me if you think they don't sound a bit like Aoi Tada!

Okay, here you go.  Five impressions from the Japanese version, and one from the English dub.  They're all pretty short, but all of them are cute.  -^_^-  "Aijin desu ka?"  "Ara?"  "Baka baka"  "Nani nani?"  [hanging off the back of a chair]  and the English one...  [disagreeing with Faye about computer viruses and bacteria]  The last two aren't really speech, just sounds.  Keep in mind that I was not watching the DVDs when I made the recordings, so they may or may not be entirely accurate.  6^_^

Oops!  It seems I made a mistake with the links.  They should be fine now.  Spread the Ed!  -^_^-

Doorways to other sections of the palace:

Return to Greeting Hall
Trigun Room
Escaflowne room

Art Gallery
Bishonen Hall
Music Hall

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