The gnome was the official roadie from 1999 to 2001. R.I.P. little guy

CHAINSAW, Marcus, and Jose circa 1997

Photo shoot for iNTroduction Demo. Broke up shortly after

Pic taken in studio while recording iNTroduction
CHAINSAW, Snake, and Jeff

First pic taken of the "Gothic horror metal" -13. Circa 1999

Shadow was the drummer for a while

Snake after the song, "beat myself blind" Yes its real blood!

Skarekroe, typically half drunk and confused on stage.

CHAINSAW a little upset at the camera man during a show

-13 was at one time the most booked musical act in Kansas

CHAINSAW backstage

Beast, another -13 drummer, and possably the best

Snake backstage

Skarekroe with his freshly waxed head

LeechMaster, Backing vocals and the reason we could not return to Topeka KS.. long story.

At an old farmhouse in rural KS. Equipment was ran on generators, backyard was a bon-fire, and house was full of kegs. The only way to do a show in Kansas!

"Metalfest 2000" The last live -13 show. 102 degrees, but worth every drop of sweat

Skarekroe picked up a guitar for the last -13 evilution.

Joe took over the bass spot when -13 returned to death metal

the Boogeyman!! Good buddy Mark Beemer took over vocals for the short lived return to death metal

The last time -13 was a group. Mark, Joe, Mike, Neil, and Clint

-13 Tribal logo. drawn in 1995, and used until 1997. The logo to the upper left was then used... it is the N and the T from this logo.
More pics to be added at a later date.

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