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Welcome to my page. My site will always be under nonstop construction. I update or do something to that sort every day. So if you would help me by voting for me. That would be a great help. (JUST SO ALL OF YOU KNOW. NONE OF THE STUFF ON HERE WAS STOLEN. I EATHIER MADE IT MYSELF OR I GOT PERMISSION FROM OTHER PEOPLE TO USE THERE STUFF.)


Contact Me!

Well, this is my site. I hope you like it. I'll always be open for any comment at all. But, if you would like to talk to me directly, I have aol instant messenger and my screen name is SSaiyan11. Just email me telling me anything. If you want to send me a file attatchment (such as a fan art thing) send it to my yahoo acount. You can email me for basic stuff at or for file attachments telling me anything you would like to see, or you like what you see, and what it might be. Or go ahead and email me saying if you like my site. Just about for any reason. (I also have ICQ just in case, it's 48004828.)
Oh yeah, A guy that's helped me with a new name and a master of the series. Here's his email. His icq # is 47884087. Contact him anytime. Here's his site!!!! Trunks DBZ Free-For-All

All the good stuff

 Picture Gallery
 Funny Picture Gallery
 Fan Artwork
 Enitire Episode Summary
 Power Levels
 Super Saiyan Levals
 Character Profiles
 Animation Gifs
 Saga Summary
 The Fushions
 Secret of The Dragon Balls.  

News and Crap

Well, I just made a lot of updates.  It took me 
along time to do it.  And if you haven't noticed, I've 
even changed the name to my site.  Have fun.  Don't 
know how, but, what the hell.