Love Life
My First "love" ¦ Love that Followed ¦ My First Real Love ¦

        Welcome to part of my life that brought the most pain. Love was a word without a definition, it wasn't what it was sappose to be. Love? I never knew what it was, what it felt like, and now love... is a word that I fear. I'm afraid to fall in love ending up to be deceived or played. I force myself not to like someone too much, but sometimes it's hard. Especially these days when I think love came my way. I can't deny this love, but I can't face the futur, i can only see the present, since the futur is not in sight and can not be known. Who know's but God what will happen. I shouldn't be afraid of love no one should be afraid of this wonderful thing that happens in our lifes.

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