Martine's Biography

        I started writting down a journal in 1997, in 1998 was my party years and the year with the most pain and lessons in my life. In 1999 my past was just the past. I was depressed and knew it was because I have left the past unsolved. I finally wrote this homepage and when I was done, my past was now understood and now I had to deal with it. I re-did this site in 2000, and still now in 2001 I'm re-doing it again, finding a better way to publish my site. I hope you like this design and the new french version that is now finally don. If you see any errors problem with this site or if more important you need someone to talk with go to contact me. I always respond the fastest as I can.

God Bless thee

Carmel Herman died evening of th 10th of November 2000

Ada Jackman died Christmass eve 2001, loved dearly by her husband of 59 years, and everyone who were close to her.
Rest in Peace

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil, for you are with me your rod and your dtaff they comfort me."-Psalm 23-4

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