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Bible Study for Our Times

Why we should study the Bible

Welcome to Bible Study Made Easy! My name is Kenneth Hill. If you'd like to email me for any reason, my email address is listed at the bottom of the page.'d like to learn more about the Bible? Good! Perhaps you have a hard time understanding the Bible or you simply don't know why you should study it. If so, perhaps we can help you. This website is designed to aid those who know little [or nothing] about the Bible...but who feel they SHOULD know something about it. Does this description fit you?

This website is for the layperson...not for the Bible scholar. We will not be studying arcane theology, Greek or Hebrew vocabulary, or [hopefully] anything that the average "web surfer" cannot readily understand. Our purpose is to help you...not to impress you!

Now...make yourself a cup of coffee [or brew some tea] and pull up a comfortable chair. Relax and get ready to study the greatest Book ever written!

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Spiritual Warfare
A Wonderful Story from Papua New Guinea
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