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  I am the 4th daughter out of 5.  As with all single parents my mother worked 2 jobs, which I know from experience  is very hard, and in Alabama it was probably harder. We were blessed by having my grandmother with us so we were not alone. My father helped us whenever and in whatever way he was able.

( My father was not a dead beat dad. He has always been and still is there to support us in any way he can.  My parents were separated  when we were young because of a personal problem that could not easily be resolved or explained).   

My mother, 2 sisters and I moved to Syracuse  in 1974.  My 2 older sisters were married and had their own families by then.  Again my mother worked 2 jobs to support us.  My grandmother was not here and we were alone most of the time.

I was always the one who knew everything and everyone, the black sheep in a way, and I set out to tackle this new city.  As with all "know it all" teenagers, I started running with kids just like me and started to get in to real trouble and thought it was all fun.  I begin to smoke, drink and hang out to all hours of the night. 

It was 13 years and 3 kids later when a long time friend of mines who had already became a Christian started asking me to go to church with her.  Needless to say I made up all kinds of reasons not to go, and promised I would really soon.  At this time in my life I was still smoking and drinking but I also started getting high.  By then I was not doing it because it was fun, I did it because I did not want to think about my life and the mistakes I had made.  Saturday afternoon as always, Margaret called and asked me to come to church with her and I accepted.  (Being honest I was tired of her asking me and figured if I went she would leave me alone).  Bro. Wendell was speaking on Street Life  and how God wants His children to turn to from it.  I did not know at the time what God plans for me were, but I did know I wanted to be a part of this group of  people. I was baptized that same day after 12 years of not being in a church.  That was the best decision I had ever made.

I have been a member of the Church of Christ for over 13 years, and I  don't know how I made it so long without  Him.  God has truly blessed me over the years. I have a God fearing husband (Allen) to whom I am very much in love with. My 3 children, Dwayne, Dewanda and DeSandra are all grown out on there own and I have 6 grandchildren that I love with all of my heart.

(Walter Jr.,  Dwayne Jr., Jenisha, Nyeisha, Dwayza and Zanya)

I know if God can turn my life around , basically over night,  He can do the same for you. Although I am still striving to do what is right in God's eyes, I am very happy with my life as a child of God. (A Christian)  In our home God is first, and in my personal life I am satisfied because when the time comes I am going home to Glory with Christ.  I am at Peace because I know that God is the true source of  my happiness.   

Love In Him, Amen

This site was done by:  Mrs. Jacqueline (Dees) Harrison

  If you should have any questions or comments on how to improve this site please let me know.  If you feel I should add or remove anything tell me. It is not my intent to offend anyone. I would rather remove it than to cause offense. 

I know there  are some who may or may not agree with what I have  said, but I want all to know how God can bring peace to your life.  As stated  above I welcome any suggestion or comment.  Help me make this site a soul winner for God.

All I want is to share my Love for Christ.   


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