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Mrs. Dalloway .........Who is She?

image: Virgina Woolf

Virginia Woolf (1882-1941)

My name is Steven Harrison and I am a Graduating Senior at the University of Rochester majoring in English and African American Studies. Although, this site is about British author, Virginia Woolf, and her well known novel Mrs. Dalloway, this web page has been designed as my final project for English 151: British Literature 1700-2000. Special thanks to Prof. Hal Gladfelder, the instructor of the course, for allowing me to submit this in as my final project. Enjoy the page!

button Virginia Woolf's Biography and Timeline
button Characters in Mrs. Dalloway
button Recurring Themes

Other Related Links

The International Virginia Woolf Society
The Virginia Woolf Society of Great Britain
World Wide Woolf
Map of Mrs. Dalloway's London

Film Reviews with movie clip of Mrs. Dalloway

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Page Created By: Steven Harrison
Copyrighted 2000
Last updated: 4/27/2000