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What Local and Foreign Experts Say of Jaime T. Licauco and His Works

  • "Jimmy Licauco is a phenomenom, he transcends national identity and has many friends all over the world. He is an amazing master of communications,both in his speeches and writings. Especially his writings are always clear, easy to read and executed in the natural beauty and rythm of the English language.

    His explorations into the world of inner mind and spirituality have been done with courage. They will reamin one of the most important spiritual legacies to the Filipino people which will open their eyes on the 21st century."

    Director, Japan Holistic Medical Society and
    President of Institute for Holistic Medicine
    Tokyo, Japan

  • "Jaime Licauco is like a newly opened door or a new break in a dam where information from the 'other side' had rushed through. Our country has a rich heritage of sprirituality which has been forgotten, burried, ridiculed or supplanted because of colonial influence. His work, I though, was the first to ressurect these ideas from the grave of the esoteric or paranormal. What he was insisting was that all of us possess inner mind power that is inherent, and that the recognition of this fact will allow us to develop and use it to lead a life full of purpose and meaning."

    Country General Manager
    DOW Chemical Pacific, LTD. (Philippines)

  • "Jimmy, the no-nonsense, serious and enthusiastic rersearcher, encouraged us to enter'spheres and dimensions' that even now would be termed by others as simply crazy or out of this world! Onwe will not forget the eerie revelations, communications and surprises that Jimmy and I had the privilege to share.

    "Perhaps without his realizing it, Jimmy had brought me face to face with the great powers of the spirit world."

    "In the Philippines today there are legions who lay claim to powers and gifts from sources unknown. Jimmy is sensitive to these issues because he knows, he cares and wether he or others will believe it or not - he is probably one gifted, predestined entity himself."

    -- CONRADO 'Sluggo' RIGOR, Jr.
    Editor, Filipino American Bulletin
    Seattle, Washington

  • "I have known Jaime Licauco for at least 12 years. He came to the first International Conference on the study of Shamanism and Alternate Modes of Healing in San Rafael, California in 1984 and talked about 'Psychic Diagnosis: A Personal Experience...' He found open ears at our conference when he reminded us that weall have the ability to put ourselves into a heightened state of awareness awareness. we all can tune into other people and bring that knowledge to the consciousness level."

    "With Quantum Physics and Heisenberg's uncertainty principle , scientists have begun to recognize the blind alleys into which they had maneuvered themselves. Not only to the general public , but scientists owe thanks to Jaime T. Licauco who had the courage to report his observations and who offered suggestions. He indefatigably continoues to contribute to the advancement of our knowledge about the many manifestation of life and undeniable interconnection between spirit and matter."

    Center for southeast Asia Studies
    University of California, Berkeley

  • " I remember how Jaime T. Licauco was able to bring international scholars and experts together in the Phillipines to discuss the gifts of healing under the explosive situation of civil unrest in the early 80's. His presence impressed me of the 'Healing Calm' of one who could reach through all the obstacles and allow the number of books and studies can be found in the collection of specialist throughout the world. "

    "In the coming understanding of cosmic culture and realities from the other dimensions,Licauco holds the scientific keys to the understanding of how psychics, saints and scientist of one country strongly influenced the whole world in a short period of time!"

    President, Academy for Future Science
    Author, The Book of knowledge: The Keys of Enoch
    Los gatos, California

  • " I have met many very interisting and competent persons all over the world and have collaborated with many of them, but the most impressive personality-besides some specially gifted healers like Tony Agpaoa-was J. Licauco.

    " In my opinion, Jimmy is one of the most experienced parapsychologists in the world, but he not only studies apranormal phenomena but is himself mediumistic. I have sometimes experienced that it is impossible to hide anything from him and most of his telephone calls to me came when I was just intensely thingking of him, making up my mind to contact him..'

    "His seminars are unique, the best, and most instructive compared to those I have attended the last 25 years in other parts of the world. Everytime I attended the seminars I got new and important insights into the potentials of the human mind and spirituality. I never get bored no matter how many times I repeatedly attended them."

    author of Psi Healing
    Former Proffessor of Physics and Nuclear Chemistry
    Dortmund Technical Institute, Germany

  • "Jaime Licauco is a very sensitive, warm, rational and intuitive person with left and right brain skills I have seldom seen in an individual before. He has a special and unique quality of explaining phsychics and spiritual things in a way that even people from western countries can understand. All my friends in Swededn enjoying reading his book very much. Jimmy has been very helpful in my development and has given me insight into my inner being."

    Management Consultant and Counselor
    Stockholm, Sweden

  • "My first impression of Jaime was aperson who was intensely interested in other people opinion and, while he is the author of numerous books, he neither pushed them in anyone, nor beat his own drum. He seemed to always have an interest in looking for unusual experiences and meeting people who were somewhat different."

    " I would say that Jaime has completely cahnged my life and understanding of my purpose. Not only have I found my soulmate but also my future."

    Australian chiropracator, Psychic researcher and Author

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