. Galangal - (Alpina officinalis or A. galanga) Folk Names: Chewing John, China Root, Colic Root, East India Catarrh Root, Galingal, Galingale, Gargaut, India Root, Kaempferia Galanga, Low John the Conqueror, Rhizoma Galangae
Magickal Uses: When worn or carried it offers protection, good luck and increases psychic abilities. If placed in a sachet of leather and silver, it draws money. Burn the powdered herb to break spells and curses. Ginger may be substituted when galangal is call for.

Galbanum - (Peucedanum galbaniflora or P. officinale) Folk Names: Sulphur wort
An umbelliferous plant native to Persia, probably being known in antiquity. It produces a fragrant gum resin of a greenish tint known as galbanum, which was an ingredient in the famous Mendesian unguent. In the Bible it is mentioned (helbenah) as being used for incense (Exodus 30:34). The ‘green incense’ mentioned in Egyptian text most likely was galbanum imported from Persia. Theophrastus mentions that the plant grew in Arcadia, and that the root had warming properties used in a heating ointment, and it was also given in treatment of the spleen. In Coptic medicine it was used with other ingredients in a poultice for a wound and aching feet, and it was found useful to expel bugs from the home.

Gardenia - (Gardenia spp.)
Magickal Uses: Fresh gardenias aid in the healing process when places on the altar or in the sickroom. Add the dried petals to healing incenses and mixtures. Scatter around a room and add to Moon incense for peace and tranquility. Gardenias have extremely high spiritual vibrations so they are helpful in summoning good spirits and used in love spells.

Garlic - (Allium sativum) Folk Names: Ajo (Spanish), Poor Man’s Treacle, Stinkweed
Garlic is sacred to Hecate so it was eaten on her festival days and left at crossroads as a sacrificial offering to her.

Herbal Uses: The garlic bulb is one of the greatest herbal “poly-crests”—herbs of many uses. Fresh garlic is a preventative and a cure for intestinal worms. It is generally taken in one-teaspoon doses, three to six times a day, with some fresh ginger root. Garlic is a natural antibiotic for internal and external use. Mash it and use it as a wound dressing. Internally, it kills staphylococcus, streptococcus, salmonella, and Candida albicans. For a sore throat, lightly roast unpeeled cloves in a dry roasting pan, peel them when they grow soft, and eat them. For pinworms, a slightly smashed fresh clove can be inserted into the rectum with olive oil. For vaginal infections, smash a few cloves and wrap them in cheesecloth. Insert directly into the vagina. Fresh raw garlic is more effective than the powdered and extracted forms. Garlic has been shown to be more effective than tetracycline as an antibiotic.
Caution: Pregnant women and persons with ”hot and firey” temperaments should avoid overuse of garlic.

Homeopathic Uses: Homeopaths use Allium sativum for colitis, tuberculosis, painful constipation, bronchitis, painful breasts, and skin eruptions during the menses. The remedy is more effective for meat eaters than for exclusive vegetarians.

Magickal Uses: An herb of Mercury and Mars. In the home, braids of garlic guard against evil, repel thieves, and turn away the envious. And of course, garlic protects against vampires. It is a very effective blessing for new homes. When worn it has been used to guard against the plague and other diseases by absorption. Rub fresh peeled cloves onto the afflicted part of the body, and then throw into running water. A spell to protect against hepatitis is to wear thirteen cloves at the end of a cord around the neck for thirteen days. Then in the middle of the night, on the thirteenth night, go to the intersection of two streets and throw the necklace behind you and run home. Do not look behind you. Brides once carried garlic on their wedding day to keep evil away and bring good luck. Sailors in the middle ages wore garlic as protection against shipwreck. Mountaineers wear it to guard against bad weather (and monsters). Roman soldiers ate it for courage. Biting into garlic to dispel evil spirits. When eaten it may act as a lust inducer. Placed beneath a child’s pillow it will protect them while asleep. Rub it on pots and pans before cooking to remove negative vibrations (and add to the flavor of food).

Gentian - (Gentiana lutea) Folk Names: Bitter Root, Yellow Gentian
Magickal Uses: Gentian adds power to incense and sachets. Add to love baths and sachets.

Geranium - (Pelargonium spp.)
All types are protective when grown in the garden or brought into the home freshly cut and placed in water. It is said that a plot planted near a witch’s cottage would tell of coming visitors by their movement. Being magickally charged, they would point in the direction of the visitors.
Magickal Uses:
    Red: Protective and strengthen health. Curanderos in contemporary Mexico cleanse and heal patients by brushing with red geraniums, fresh rue and pepper tree branches.

    Pink: Love spells.

    White: Fertility.

    Rose: Use in protection sachets and rub on doorknobs and windows for protection.

Ginger - (Zingiber officinalis) Folk Names: African Ginger
The Dobu tribe of the Pacific Islanders use ginger in much of their magick. By first chewing it, they then spit it at the “seat” of an illness, or at an oncoming storm to stop it while still at sea.
Herbal Uses: The root is warming to the body, is slightly antiseptic, and promotes internal secretions. Chop about two inches of the fresh root, cover with one cup of water, and simmer for about twenty minutes, or one-half teaspoon of the powdered root can be simmered in one cup of water. Add lemon juice, honey, and a slight pinch of cayenne. A few teaspoons of brandy will make an even more effective remedy for colds. This preparation treats fevers, chest colds, and flu. A bath or a foot soak in hot ginger tea is also beneficial. The tea without additives helps indigestion, colic, diarrhea, and alcoholic gastritis. Dried ginger in capsules or in juice is taken to avoid carsickness and seasickness. Use about one-half teaspoon of the powder. It works well for dogs and children.

Homeopathic Uses: Homeopaths use Zingiber for weakness in the intestinal tract and in the reproductive system, kidneys, and lungs. It treats dry coughs and asthma that is worse in the morning and without anxiety. A peculiar symptom calling for the remedy is that the patient is worse when eating melons.

Magickal Uses: When ginger is eaten before performing spells it will increase your power. Since ginger is a spicy and “hot” herb, it is most effective in love spells. Plant the root to attract money or sprinkle powdered root into pockets or on money for prosperity. Ginger also ensures success.

Ginkgo - (Ginkgo biloba) Folk Names: Maidenhair Tree

The famous brain tree. According to recent studies, leaf extracts increase blood supply to the brain, improving the memory, concentration, and overall neural functioning, and may relieve symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. A German study of impotent men found that half of the men who were previously unable to maintain erections were able to after six months of taking Ginkgo, suggesting that it may increase blood supply to more than just the brain. It is an extremely hardy tree and very resistant to disease and pollution, which may be why it is one of the oldest plants on the earth. The tree has attractive, fan shaped foliage and can grow to about 35 feet in twenty years. It is dioecious, meaning there are male and female plants. The female plant produces a bad smelling fruit, which contains a delicious nut that is a gourmet treat in China.

Ginseng - (Panax quinquefolius) Folk Names: Sang, Wonder of the World Root

Magickal Uses: Carry ginseng to attract love, guard your health, draw prosperity, ensure sexual potency, and bring beauty. It is burned to ward off evil and to break hexes. The tea is an aphrodisiac. Use a root to grant your wish by either holding it in your hands and visualizing your desire or by carving your wish onto it and then throw the root into running water. Ginseng may be a substitute for mandrake.

Goat’s Rue - (Galega officinalis)
Magickal Uses: Use in healing rituals. When the leaves are placed in shoes they cure and prevent rheumatism.

Golden bough - See Mistletoe

Goldenrod - (Solidago odora) Folk Names: Aaron’s Rod, Blue Mountain Tea, Goldruthe, Gonea Tea, Sweet Scented Goldenrod, Solidago, Verg d’Or, Wound Weed, Woundwort

Magickal Uses: Hold a goldenrod flower in your hand. The direction the head nods will be where you find a lost item or buried treasure. Wear it to see your future love, they will appear the next day. If it suddenly begins to grow near your door then unexpected good fortune will be yours. Use in money spells.

Golden Seal - (Hydrastis canadensis) Folk Names: Eye Balm, Eye Root, Ground Raspberry, Indian Dye, Indian Paint, Jaundice Root, Orange Root, Tumeric Root, Warnera, Wild Curcurma, Yellow Puccoon, Yellow Root

Magickal Uses: Use in money spells and healing rituals.

Gorse - ( Ulex europaeus) Folk Names: Broom, Frey, Furze, Fyrs, Gorst, Goss, Prickly Broom, Ruffet, Whin
In Wales, hedges of prickly gorse are planted to protect the home against fairies as it is believed they cannot penetrate the hedge.
Magickal Uses: Use as a protection against evil and in money spells as it attracts gold.

Gotu Kola - (Hydrocotyl asiatica) Folk Names: Indian Pennywort
One of the most important herbs in Ayurvedic medicine, it is known as brahmi, “bringing knowledge of Brahman (Supreme Reality)”. Long used medicinally and to aid meditation in India. Said to have restorative action to the brain. Grows well in shade, spreading rapidly. Also a nice addition to salads.
Magickal Uses: A small amount burned in incense before meditation will help the operation. Do not burn during meditation.

Gourd - (Curcurbita spp.)
Magickal Uses: Hung at the front door they protect from fascination. Carry pieces in the pocket or purse to ward off evil. Place dried beans inside gourds to make rattles that will scare off evil spirits. To make a scrying bowl cut off the top of a dried gourd and fill with water.

Magickal Uses: Grain protects from evil when scattered. Scatter in the bedroom and after your children when they leave the house. Do not let them see you do this.

Grains of Paradise - (Aframomum melequeta) Folk Names: African Pepper, Guinea Grains, Mallaquetta Pepper, Melequeta
Magickal Uses: This is one of the herbs of wishing. Hold in your hands while making a wish, then through some to each of the directions beginning with North and ending with West. Use in sachets and spells for love, lust, luck and money.

Grape - (Vitis viniferaIn ancient Rome pictures of grapes were painted on garden walls to ensure fertility.
Magickal Uses: To increase fertility and increase mental powers eat grapes or raisins. Place on the altar during money spells.

Magickal Uses: A ball of green grass suspended in the front window of your home will drive out evil and protect it from returning. Grass tied into knots around your home will also protect it. Carry the blades to help psychic powers. To make a wish, mark a stone with the green of grass while visualizing your wish or need. Then bury the stone or throw it into running water.

Ground Ivy - (Nepeta glechoma) Folk Names: Alehoof, Cat’s Foot, Gill-Go-Over-The-Ground, Haymaids, Hedgemaids, Lizzy-Run-Up-The-Hedge, Robin-Run-In-The-Hedge, Tunhoof
Magickal Uses: To find out who is performing negative magick against you, place some ground ivy around the base of a yellow candle and burn on a Tuesday.

Groundsel - (Senecio spp.) Folk Names: Groundeswelge (Anglo-Saxon, Ground-Swallower), Ground Glutton, Grundy Swallow, Séntion, Simson
Magickal Uses: Carry as an amulet for healthy teeth or to stop a toothache.

Gypsyweed - See Water horehound


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