. Fennel - (Foeniculum vulgare)
Fennel is an umbelliferous herb resembling dill in its graceful growth and yellow flowers. With an anise flavor, it is native to the Mediterranean and extensively cultivated for culinary purposes (roots, stalks, leaves and seeds). It is carminative and diuretic. It has naturalized in Southern California, where the Spanish strew the seeds along the El Camino Real (The King’s Highway) to mark the trail connecting the missions. It is an important natural habitat of the swallowtail butterfly. In several ancient civilizations fennel was used as an antidote for snakebite. The thyrsus, which were prominent in Dionysian ceremonies, was often made of giant fennel stalks with pine cones attached at the ends.
Herbal Uses: To help with indigestion and gas, pour boiling water over crushed seeds (one teaspoon seed to a pint of water). The seeds are simmered in syrups for coughs, shortness of breath, and wheezing. Powdered seeds repel fleas from pets’ sleeping areas. Place fennel inside a fish when you cook it to make it more digestible. The leaves and seeds when boiled with barley increase breast milk. The seeds and root help clean the liver, spleen, gallbladder, and blood. The tea and broth of this herb are said to help in weight loss. It is eaten in salads, soups, and breads. The oil mixed with honey can be taken for coughs, and the tea used as a gargle. The oil is eaten with honey to allay gas and it is applied externally to rheumatic swellings. The seeds are boiled to make an eye wash: use one-half teaspoon of seed per cup of water, three times a day, and be sure to strain carefully before use.

Magickal Uses: When grown around the home it is protective. Hang it around the doors and windows at Midsummer to repel evil spirits. Carry the seeds to ward off evil and to influence others to trust your words. To prevent wood ticks from biting your legs, wear a piece in your left shoe. Use in purification and healing sachets and spells.

Fenugreek - (Trigonella foenum-graecum) Folk Names: Bird’s Foot, Greek Hayseed. An annual herb with trifoliate leaves and whitish flowers followed by a beaked pod which contains 10 to 20 seeds. It appears to be indigenous to the Mediterranean, and remains have been found from as early as 3000 BC. The plant is a member of the pea family. The pods contain seeds of yellowish-brown color, almost odorless unless heated. They are rich in vitamins, nitrates and calcium. The seeds are thought to encourage lactation and heal inflammations. They are a frequent ingredient in curry spice, and in Egypt are added to bread. The leaves are used as a vegetable and as fodder. The sprouted seed is a palatable salad herb.
Herbal Uses: The seeds are nutritious and tonic. The powdered seed is taken for osteomyelitis, scrofula, and tuberculosis. It prevents fever, strengthens the stomach and digestion, and helps diabetics regulate insulin. This herb may address anemia and weakness of all kinds. The dose is three to nine grams. The powdered seed is used in poultices for boils, abscesses, tumors, swollen glands, and sores. Use the tea for bronchitis, sore throats, and fevers. Steep two teaspoons in one cup of cold water for five hours, and then boil for one minute. Take up to three cups a day. Peppermint or lemon will improve the flavor. It is also a reputed aphrodisiac.

Magickal Uses: Add the seeds or an infusion to the mop water or rinse water to bring money into the home. A small half-filled jar of the herb, left open will also attract money. Add a few seeds every couple of days until the jar is full. Them empty and begin again. Remember to bury the used seeds. The herb is sacred to Apollo.

Fern - See also Bracken Fern, Maidenhair, Male Fern, Moonwort, Polypody, Royal, Shield Fern, Spleenwort, Wall Rue
Herbal Uses: Numerous ferns are used in herbal medicines. The shield fern is used similarly to the male fern. The leaf of spleenwort is used in infusions to cure an enlarged spleen. The leaf of black spleenwort is used in decoction for coughs and as a hair rinse. The leaf of wall rue is taken as a tea for coughs, jaundice, spleen problems, kidney stones, and shortness of breath. The leaf of common maidenhair is used for lung ailments and as a laxative. Fronds of true maidenhair are also used for lung conditions in tea or syrup and to help the liver in jaundice. Useful in cases of kidney stones, it is said to restore fallen hair. The fronds of Asplenium scolopendrium are given in infusion for diarrhea and dysentery, and in salves for burns and hemorrhoids. They also clean the liver and spleen. For the above ferns infuse one ounce of the fern leaves in one pint of water and steep for twenty minutes. Take one-fourth cup four times a day. For fern roots, simmer two teaspoons per cup for twenty minutes and take one-fourth cup four times per day. Bracken fern is eaten as a vegetable when the fronds are uncoiled in spring. Its roots are boiled in mead to kill intestinal worms and to benefit the spleen. The roots are used in salves, and the root powder is applied to ulcers and wounds. Common polypody is used in a decoction for whooping cough. The fronds are cut and dried in autumn and boiled as needed. The fresh root helps depression, jaundice, edema, and rheumatism. Royal fern has roots that are used in healing ointments. Adder’s tongue is taken fresh as a juice of the leaf for internal injuries, and the leaves are also used in salves. Moonwort, has fronds that are used like those of adder’s tongue.

Magickal Uses: The fern is protective. Throw on hot coals to exorcise evil spirits, drive away snakes and other bothersome creatures. It will cause rain if burned outside. When carried or worn it will guide you to treasures. Break the first frond of spring for good luck. Bite the first fond to guard against toothache until next spring. Carry fern “seeds” that you gathered on Midsummer’s Eve for invisibility and drink the sap for eternal youth. It is said that if you are in an area covered by ferns at midnight, Puck will appear and give you a purse of gold. If this is done intentionally it is called ‘watching the fern’. Moonwort is especially effective if gathered by moonlight. This fern aides in opening locks and breaking charms, is used in love spells, and has the alchemical reputation of being an herb to convert quicksilver into silver. Use it to conjure money.

Feverfew - (Chrysanthemum parthenium) Folk Names: Featherfew, Febrifuge Plant. The highly regarded migraine cure! A survey in England indicates that eating a few fresh leaves of feverfew a day helps reduce the occurrence and severity of migraine attacks. Pretty green leaves and daisy-like flowers.
Magickal Uses: This herb will protect against colds, and fevers and accidents when carried.

Fig - (Ficus carica) Folk Names: Common Fig. Fig juice will make milk coagulate in the manner of rennet.
Magickal Uses: Figs are used for fertility. Women carve small phallic images from the wood and carry to conceive. Men use them to overcome infertility and impotency. Both eat fresh figs for the same reasons. To gain the answer to a question, write it on a fig leaf. If the leaf dries slowly the answer is yes, if it dries quickly, then no. To charm someone, give him or her a fig. Place a fig branch before your door when leaving on a trip. This will ensure you will return home happy and safely. A fig tree grown inside the home is protective and brings luck. In the bedroom it brings restful sleep. In the kitchen it promises that the family will never go hungry.

Figwort - (Scrophularia nodosa)
Figwort is an important medicinal, common in moist areas and damp woods of the British Isles. It has a square stem, oval to lanceolate leaves, and opposite purple flowers. It attains a height of two to four feet. The leaves and tubers have an unpleasant smell.
Herbal Uses: The root is important for diabetes, tuberculosis, long-lasting low-grade fevers and other wasting conditions, sore throats, and edema. It clears the glandular system andd the liver, thus relieving skin eruptions and liver conditions. Simmer two teaspoons of the root per cup of water for twenty minutes. Take one-fourth cup per day, four times a day. As an external poultice the root treats ringworm, bruises, hemorrhoids, swellings, and itchy eruptions. The whole herb is used externally as a poultice to dissolve clotted blood and for tumors, wens, eczema, scabies, rashes and the like. It has been added to salves and ointments for wounds and bruises. The leaves are used on burns and swellings. The tincture is taken twenty drops at a time and can be used both internally and externally. Used internally or externally as a tea, poultice, or tincture, the plant is rich in manganesze, making it a powerful skin healer. The tea is taken for tumors of all kinds. The herb and root have been used to treat cancer of the fleshy parts. The powdered root in water has been used as a tea to treat condyloma. The juice of the root and leaf are applied externally to tumors and cancers. The ointment treats painful tumors, and the fresh poultice may be used for inflamed tumors and glandular indurations. When figwort is used externally, the tea is also given internally as further therapeutic support. (Other herbs used in poultices for tumors and cancer are slippery elm, heather, maple leaf, and speedwell, which is especially well suited to breast cancer. The fresh juice of veronica benefits all internal cancers. Mandrake is crushed and boiled and applied to tumors. Chaparral is especially well suited to skin cancers.)

Homeopathic Uses: Homeopaths use Scrophularia nodosa for Hodgkin’s disease and conditions with enlarged glands, for breast tumors, eczema of the ear, scrofula, painful hemorrhoids, and skin cancer. All symptoms are worse when the patient lies on the right side.

Magickal Uses: Figwort is an herb of Venus. It is worn as a protective herb and placed in the home to attract health, peace, and joy. At Midsummer, the ancient Gauls would light fires on the hilltops to bring healing and protection to the crops, animals, and people. These fires mirrored the power of Belenos, the God of the Sun. Herbs were ritually smoked in these fires and later used as amulets and protective decorations for the home and barn..

Fir - (Abies cilicia)
Both resin and oil are antiseptic, diuretic, and carminative.

Flag - (Acorus Calamus) Folk Names: Sweet Flag. Sweet flag is an aromatic perennial with rhizome 3cm thick, sword-shaped leaves and small flowers. It grows by water. The dried rhizome is used as a vermifuge and carminative, and also to flavor beer and liquor. As a powder it repels ants; it fixes perfume, and may be used as tooth powder and dry hair shampoo. In traditional Islamic medicine it is considered good for inflammation of the stomach and liver, and is applied in a bandage it is said to have cured the pustule on the finger of the Prophet. Burns are also treated with a mixture of sweet flag, rose oil and vinegar.
Flax - (Linum usitatissimum) Folk Names: Linseed. Flax is used in rituals to Hulda, a Teutonic Goddess. She first taught man to cultivate flax, to spin it into linen thread and then weave into cloth.
Herbal Uses: A teaspoon of the seed is placed in a quart of water and gently simered down to one-half quart. The resulting liquid is given for constipation, for ulcerated sore throat, and as an expectorant for bronchitis in one-fourth cup doses throughout the day. To pass a gallstone, take one and a half to two teaspoons of linseed oil and lie on your left side for a half hour. The whole seeds (about two tablespoons) can be taken with plenty of water to relieve constipation. Follow with stewed prunes or prune juice. The cooked seeds are added to fresh grated carrots, and the mix is warmed to make a poultic e for rheumatism and swellings.

Homeopathic Uses: Homeopaths use Linum usitatissimum as a poultice for asthma and hives. As a decoction it treats cystitis, asthma, hay fever, nettle rash, and paralysis of the tongue.

Ritual Uses: When performing healing rituals, sprinkle the altar with flax seeds and include in healing mixtures.

Magickal Uses: Flax seeds are used in money spells and to ward off poverty. Carry in your wallet or purse. A prosperity ritual is to place a container on the altar and add a few coins along with flax seeds. Repeat every day to bring prosperity into the home. Blue flax flowers prevent sorcery. Keep a mixture of flax seeds and mustard seeds next to the bed with a container of cold water on the other side for protection while you sleep. A box containing red pepper and flax seeds prevents evil from entering your home. Let your child dance amidst growing flax at seven years old. This will ensure that they will grow to be beautiful or handsome as an adult. This may be done with a newborn (letting them sleep in th field) for the same outcome. A hank of flax tied around the loins will help cure lumbago.

Fleabane - (Inula dysenterica)
A large perennial plant that grows wild in Europe and Asia. The leaves have a very penetrating scent disagreeable to animals. It has been used for wounds and insecticide, and the stems may be burnt as a fumigant. It is strongly antibacterial.
Magickal Uses: An ancient ritual to exorcise evil spirits and to keep them from entering your home is to tie fleabane and St. John’s Wort, wheat, and some capers into a sachet and hang over the lintel of the door. For chastity sprinkle on sheets.

Fo-Ti - (Polugonum multiflorum) Folk Names: Elixir of Life
The legendary “Elixir of Life” plant is thought to possess fantastic rejuvenating properties. This Asian vine (He-shou-wu) is one of the most widely used tonic herbs in traditional Chinese medicine. Also used in Ayurvedic medicine in India, where it is combined with Gotu Kola to produce a powerful tonic. The roots are used to restore blood, liver and kidneys, and as an aphrodisiac and astringent.

Foxglove - (Digitalis purpurea) PoisonFolk Names: Cow-Flop, Deadmen’s Bells, Digitalis, Dog’s Finger, Fairy Finger’s, Fairy Petticoats, Fairy Thimbles, Fairy Weed, Floppy-Dock, Floptop, Folk’s Gloves, Fox Bells, Foxes Glofa, The Great Herb, Lion’s Mouth, Lusmore, Lus na mbau side (Irish Gaelic), Our Lady’s Glove, Witches Bells, Witches Thimbles. In Wales, housewives use to make a black dye from foxglove. This dye was used to paint crossed lines on the stone floors of the cottages to prevent evil from entering.

Magickal Uses: When grown in the garden it protects the land and home from evil.
Caution: Foxglove is poisonous; do not take internally.

Frankincense - (Boswellia carterii) Folk Names: Incense, Olibans, Olibanum, Olibanus. Frankincense occurs as light yellowish-brown ‘tears’ on certain trees of the genus Boswellia which grow in Southern Arabia and on the Somali coast, or on the Caommiphora pedunculata in eastern Sudan and Ethiopia.
Herbal Uses: A tree resin from southern Arabia, according t Pliny it is an antidote to hemlock poisoning. Avicenna advocated its use for tumors, fevers, vomiting and dysentery. Chinese herbalists use it in powder form and in teas for rheumatism and menstrual pain, and externally as a wash for sore throats and bruises. The dose is three to six grains in a glass of wine; or twenty drops of the tincture. Frankincense is highly antiseptic, and the scent is said to calm and clear the mind.
Caution: Prolonged use of resins can damage the kidneys.

Magickal Uses: Sacred to the Sun God Ra, frankincense is burned in rites of exorcism, purification, and protection, consecration. It is also burn to accelerate spiritual growth by inducing visions and aiding meditation. Rosemary may be substituted for frankincense.

Fumitory - (Fumaria officinalis) Folk Names: Beggary, Earth Smoke, Fumiterry, Fumus, Fumus Terrae, Kaphnos, Nidor, Scheiteregi, Taubenkrpp, Vapor, Wax Dolls

Herbal Uses: The warm infusion of the herb benefits eczema, dermatitis, and stomach and liver complaints. Taken over a long period, it helps to cure depression. Steep two teaspoons per cup for twenty minutes and drink the tea cold, a quarter cup four times a day. Tincture twenty drops, four times a day.

Magickal Uses: Burn fumitory to exorcise evil spirits. Sprinkle an infusion through your home and rub onto your shoes to draw money. Use in a purification bath before your rituals.

Fuzzy Weed - (Artemisia dracunculus)
This plant is related to Mugwort and Wormwood.
Magickal Uses: Native Americans used fuzzy weed to attract love by rubbing on the clothing and body. It was also carried to for a successful hunt.


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