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With this page, I hope to learn more about my visitors, and maybe even meet a new friend or two.  I also will post some information about myself, and my friends if they permit me to.  I plan to get a nice picture of myself up at some point in time.  So keep on coming back to see the updates!

The unknown...

Is always feared...



The feared...

Is always hated...



And the hated...

Always hunts the unknown...


Write me some mail, and tell me about yourself.  I would love to hear from you!  You can contact me on my Contacts page.  The link for the page is at the top of this page.


Statistic  For : Tyrial (The Angel Himself)
Age :


Location :

Ontario, Canada

Favorite Song :

Creed - What If

Favorite Poem :

Illusions, Author - Tyrial(Me)

Hobbies :

Web Design, and of course, anything fun

Why Tyrial :

An inspiration, and my role model.  A true gift to live up to.

Other :

I am just another one of the boys, who enjoys a good time out on the town.  I love hanging out with my friends, and spending time with my best friend.  I try to live up to my own expectations, but sometimes break some rules as I go.  *Hey no one is perfect!  :)*


Here you go, these are my new pictures!



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