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Sunday Visionary

Spring has sprung, and with it a beautiful vision I hope to prove wasn't merely an illusion...

I saw you this morning
Saw the sunlight filter into your room
Saw you sitting up in bed with my pages
In your elegant hand
Your lips curled into a smile
Your eyes lost in the distance of memory
Your hair dark, loose about your face
A vision of newly-woken beauty

I watched in wonder
As your long fingers trembled
To turn the next page
To read my version of our last day
In that hot sunshine, then as now
I watched the velvet thump of your heart
Under that smooth, soft skin
Rise faster as you realised what I knew

I was lost in your beauty
Aching at the sight of you
Yearning to reach into the dream
And touch you
Wondering if my words would move you
More than I ever could
Knowing that five hundred miles stood between us
As surely as once did five hundred years

I was comforted by a vision
Knowing it could be real
Taking on faith that which I cannot know
Trusting my gut and my heart
That burn with a consuming fire
When I think of you
Time and distance retract then
When I feel myself drawing near to you

I saw you as clearly then as I ever have
And loved you for the way you responded
Loved the curl of your mouth
Loved the trembling of your fingers
Loved the remote, wondering depth of your eyes
Ached for loving you so
And burned with the hope that one day
Our worlds could become one

I long to be in that room beside you
Waking in that sunshine
Crisp sheets, the scent of your skin
And the glitter in your eyes
No longer writing my love into your hands
But speaking it with eyes and lips and tongue
A paper union no longer
But one bound in tender, melting flesh

I saw you so vividly this day
That it breaks my heart the vision should fade
There is a place in my core that burns
And aches and lives still in hope
A place where the sunlight remains
Where all is lit by the feral beauty
Of your smouldering eyes
And the tilt of your hungry smile

I live in anticipation
Of your response, any word
That your soul might seek to speak
To mine
I wait, head clouded by visions
Unable to write for fear of what
Is already written
With only faith to sustain me

I look for you in every place I go
Turn each corner and seek a vision
Close my eyes and find you there
Sleep and dream of you
Wonder how any day passed before
Your light lit up my world
And hope that when those first words find you
I will find again my pen to write you more

I woke alone and wept for you
Burned for the wanting of you
And satisfied myself with a vision
Waking in a room I know not where
Sleep-tousled hair and crumpled pages
The scent of spring and a look
Of irresistible longing in your eyes
That made my heart sing with hope

I have written to you
And in the sending of those pages
I have killed my creativity
I could write again, will write again
When I know my vision was real
When I hold in my hand your pages
A response in your elegant hand
To a vision I must hope was a premonition.

[15th March 2009]

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