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Alchemical Romance

I was working on this in my head for a long time before it actually came out properly; it was such a relief to get it out!

He is fire to me:
Pure, cleansing radiance
That burns away the past
And stimulates new growth.

I am water to him:
Pure, cleansing balm
That soothes away the past
And stimulates new love.

I, the crucible of his energy
The forge for his fire;
Welcoming, nurturing
A sheltering harbour
A safe anchorage for his ship of destiny;
The furrow for his plough
The cherishing earth of new life;
The deep pool wherein his hopes are reflected:
Reactive, responsive, receptive.

He is my light, my strength;
I, the echo in quicksilver
Of his solar glory
Equal in force to him
Combining with him
Effortlessly to transmute our flesh
His body into mine on earth
Our souls entwining in celestial realms:
Immortal, eternal, forever.

We are elemental
One to the other
Dancing in atoms of light and sound
Embracing in dominions untouched
By mortal hands
Beyond flesh and bone, beyond blood
United in chaos
Bound together by the loyalty
Calling soul to soul, heart to heart.

I sink into him
And he into me:
We become one flesh, one psyche, one heartbeat
A balance of spirits and aspects
Conjunction of the stars and planets
Perfect opposition that renders
All conflict obsolete
We are confluent as two rivers, ice and fire
Healing each other.

We create ourselves anew:
Surging in the heat of his fire
Tumbling in the depth of my waters
Destiny guiding our way.
Lost in flesh yet purged of it;
Joined by flesh yet surmounting it
We are together. It is enough,
This blind pleasure:
All else falls away.

Fire and water commingled
We are free of earth and fly
Upwards into crystalline skies
Actively in submission
One to the other
Passively becoming the other
Choosing a path beyond choice:
Forging ahead, beyond, outside –
Reaching out into the cosmos itself.

Alchemy of alchemies,
Mystery of mysteries:
He is me, and I am him.
Echoes of forever in the moment of now
We are always within each other
The spark of him that burns in my core
The spark of me that ripples in his core
The essence of our love:
Divine, immutable, complete.

[28th February 2009]

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