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Return of my Lord

Return of the Gisborne - need I say more?

Breathless in anticipation
I wait:
He is coming, closer, closer!
I can smell his skin already
See his fever-bright eyes
Taste his thin, sweet lips.
His strong arms reach for me
Sweep me up in joy
Hold me against him
That I may cling to his deep, broad chest
Twine myself around his thighs
And surrender myself completely
To him.
His lean body, all muscle
Rippling beneath soft, pale skin
Tender yet vigorous, his love:
Reaching deeply into my soul
Lending fire to my veins
Melting my body to water.
I cry out as he takes me:
His body so moulded to mine
We are as one flesh
Tangled in desire
Hot hunger rising between us:
His lust for me,
My need of him,
The only one who can stir me so.
I draw him deeper into me,
Welcoming the pain
With the pleasure
Craving the connection between us.
He is a fever in my arms
Wild and ravenous
He, whose body possesses mine,
Whose mouth knows my every breath,
Whose eyes burn into me
As he holds me against him.
Deep, deep, this longing,
This love, this desire!
So intense, the feeling of him
Trembling in my arms
As the crisis comes,
His eyes burning with his need.
My returning lord
Ferocious warrior, fierce lover
This day will stay with me forever:
Your return to my life
To my arms and
Forever to my heart.

[28th March 2009]

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