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Noli me tangere

Just something I needed to get off my chest

He comes in splendour
Fine and strong and fierce
His desire in his shining eyes
The need burning in him
He is keen as the sharpest blade
His smile a weapon I cannot resist

One glance from him and I am his
His eyes devour me
And I am at his mercy
Yet my so generous lord
Would not ungentle be
To one so yielding and so soft

He is my all
My returning warrior
My conquering hero
My lover and my hope
The husband of my waiting heart
And tutor to my all too willing flesh

I surrender to him
For I know no greater pleasure
Than to be simply his
Noli me tangere, quia Ricardis sum
The motto they will carve on my stone
When time it is for me to sleep

Yet hold, hold, sweet sleep
For greater sweetness must I crave
The living furnace of love
To be found in his arms
The tender whisper of his breath
Tattooing my skin with joy

My capitulation is surer than any foe's
Pliant and eager am I for him
The dust of the battlefield yet upon him
But I care not
For his eyes shine through the blood
And I know he is mine

All-consuming love this
To take a man weary at arms
And restore him to desire with a glance
I may be proud to have such power
None other has wielded it so well as I
Nor shall they while yet I live

I am his slave, he my master
Yet in truth there is another bond
Betwixt such as he and I
He may subdue me with his hunger
But I know I am the fuel that feeds him
And such knowledge is power

He comes to me for peace
This man of constant war
I must grant him the boon of my love
Knowing that our time may be short
But when I rest and he is gone
Noli me tangere shall be our shared memorial

[29th March 2009]

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