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The Quickening

I can't even explain this one, it would take too long... suffice to say, it's not the obvious!

Child of my heart, draw closer
Spirit of unborn greatness
In dreams I have seen you:
Proud as is your father
His noble brow, his dazzling eyes
The same wry smile on lips
Too young to know the meaning of that smile

You cannot know I have seen you
That I know you already, unmade as thou art
I shall know you in flesh before you come
For every line of his face is in yours
And I have him engraved on my heart
Locked there forever
As the hero he is

Child of my body, draw closer
Ghost of the future, I see you
Pale as wax, yet bright as moonlight
Skin so tender and new
I will weep for you, child
When you come to me
To return my loved lord to my side

You cannot know I have felt you
Stirring within me, growing, growing
I sicken, yet thrive
I am weak, yet so strong
For you will be engraved on my body
Locked there forever
As the hero he was

Child of my soul, draw closer
The flower of our lost love reunited
I feel you within me even as he was
Deep, deep the bond that binds us
He left me with a memory and a promise
And now I feel you quicken, I know
He kept his vow, but strangely

You cannot know I have loved you
From before you were even dreamed of
When he was here and we loved so deeply
I clung to him, and here a part of him remained
Engraved in blood on my soul
Locked here forever
Awaiting the hero you shall be

[26th April 2009]

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