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A Lesson in Manners

Cécile sank to her knees and crawled on all fours over to Valmont with a wicked grin on her face. She nuzzled up close against him and nibbled gently at the inside of his thigh, glancing up at him to make sure he was paying attention (and wasn't distracted by the large-breasted whore who'd just slipped into the room, and who at a wink from Cécile sat down in a corner and observed the scene unfolding before her).

Valmont took her head in his hands and moaned softly as her lips brushed against the swelling he could not disguise. With another devilish grin, Cécile gripped his zip between her sharp teeth and pulled slowly downwards, unleashing the beast within.

She laughed breathlessly as Valmont's hot animal scent assailed her nostrils, as his thick shaft nudged at her lips. Her breath made Valmont moan again and as he stared down at her, Cécile lashed out her tongue and flicked it teasingly across his hot flesh, taunting and coaxing it to an even more magnificent size, and causing the thick piercing ring to stand out proudly.

Cécile slid her hands up Valmont's legs and pulled herself closer still to him, digging her sharp nails into the flesh of his thighs until he blinked at her in momentary pain. She smiled, her scarlet lips spread wide to reveal the ivory points of tiny fangs. Valmont swallowed hard, realising that today his normally submissive little vamp was in the mood to play a bit rough. He met her gaze and grinned. They both understood the limits of this play, and he knew that however hard she played she would never go anywhere he wasn't completely willing to follow.

She gave his steel-encrusted stiffness another quick thrashing with her tongue and then rose to her feet and kissed him hard on the mouth, sending her tongue out to meet his like a hungry cobra doing battle. Her hands slid down his chest and she roughly pulled his shirt apart and dropped it to the floor in a hail of buttons, tracing her fingertips lightly over his bare chest so that Valmont's breath caught in her throat.

She broke away from his mouth to rain hungry kisses over his throat and shoulders, before running her tongue in warm wet circles over his nipples until he stiffened there too. She caught the raised button of flesh between her teeth and ground it gently until she saw the pleasure almost peak into pain.

Cécile turned to the voluptuous whore and smiled, luring her over with a flash of her bright blue eyes and a lick of her lips. The whore swung to her feet and glided gracefully across the room, her lithe and generous figure encased in a confection of frothy black lace and shiny leather. She reached out one hand to Cécile, who took the other girl's first two fingers in her mouth and sucked them hard. She let her go and stroked the whore's flushed cheek. "You've been naughty already," she observed, with a rueful shake of her head. "And I thought you could be rewarded for your patience."

The whore flashed a hungry glance at Valmont, whose eyes were devouring the newcomer's enticing curves. Cécile hooked one hand around the other girl's face and turned her gaze away from Valmont. "Prepare him," she said simply, her nails dancing lightly across the whore's soft cheek, a smile breaking onto her red lips once more.

The whore nodded and turned once more to face Valmont. "Hi, I'm Kandi!" she said brightly in a voice like velvet soaked in sunshine.

Valmont laughed shortly, his dark eyes drowsy with anticipated pleasure. "Of course you are," he grinned.

Cécile stood back and let her new companion in debauchery get on with her duties. Kandi led Valmont to the bed in the centre of the room and slowly divested him of his remaining clothing. Her hands fluttered gently over his skin, cool and feathery against the rising heat of his own flesh. He turned his eyes upon Cécile as she stood close by and watched, and Cécile could tell how much he was enjoying this new twist on their usual play.

She leaned over him suddenly, her hands predatory on his naked body, hungry to touch him, to rouse him to even more feverish heights. She grazed her fingertips along the soft pale skin of his thighs, skirting teasingly around the part of him that ached the most for her attention, though her breath tickled him there and made him moan in agonised frustration. "Wait," she whispered, her lips briefly touching the swollen head of his sex. "Patience."

She eased back from him and motioned to Kandi, who eagerly climbed onto the bed and, leaning low over Valmont, kissed him hard on the mouth, her fingers finding his and stretching his arms out either side of him. Valmont let himself be led by her until he felt cold steel snap shut about his wrists. She leaned up from him and grinned to see him trapped, securely bound to the iron bars of the headboard.

She turned around, arching her back like a cat as she hungrily swooped down to devour his hardness, and sighing breathlessly as his generous length filled her mouth. Valmont groaned aloud and flashed a glance at Cécile to see if she was angry with him for enjoying this so much. She smiled back at him and licked her lips, and as she cast her eyes downwards he followed her gaze to see her fingers sliding rhythmically amongst the glistening folds of her pussy. He met her eyes again and smiled lazily, knowing that this was all part of her special treat for him.

So distracted by Cécile was he that he failed at first to realise that Kandi had already risen from him and was no longer mouthing him. Her hands instead were busy with another set of manacles at the foot of the bed, into which she gently moved his ankles. Kandi kissed his feet gently and got off the bed, her face flushed and her lips trembling with arousal. She looked at Cécile who kissed her mouth tenderly and slid one hand aggressively between her legs to palpate her juicy slit and gently tweak her doubly-pierced clit.

Valmont watched with mounting interest as this little show was played out before him, straining in his bonds to get a better look as Cécile sank to her knees and hungrily licked and sucked on Kandi's sweet, succulent flesh. Kandi squirmed with pleasure as she felt the other woman's fanged mouth nibbling on her and when Cécile rose to her feet again she eagerly tasted her own juice from Cécile's mouth.

Kandi dropped to her knees before Cécile and repaid the compliment, her lips and tongue writhing over the other girl's freshly shaven flesh until Cécile pulled her away with a low cry of pleasure. Kandi retreated back into the shadows again, sprawling on the floor and lazily fingering herself as with eager eyes she watched what would unfold.

Cécile climbed onto the bed and casually straddled the prone Valmont, crouching over his thighs so that his hot spike rose up before her, tantalisingly close to her wet, smooth pussy. She leaned down low over him and nibbled at his neck, trailing her tongue along the thumping vein and listening with pleasure as his pulse quickened at her touch. "You want me, don't you?" It was phrased as a question but her husky voice betrayed the fact that she already knew the answer.

Valmont looked up at her, helplessly tied down, hopelessly turned on. He smiled and his lips trembled. You know I do, his eyes said though he did not speak. You can feel how much I want you.

As though reading his thoughts, Cécile sat up and ran one fingertip softly across the swollen head of his sex, then lifted that finger to her lips and tasted the sweet drop of liquid. She whimpered softly, surrendering to the taste of him, scenting his arousal keenly from his hot skin. "Yes you do," she purred, letting her fingers tickle the skin of his navel but not get close enough to touch the part of him that craved her touch. "But are you worthy?"

Valmont looked at her in amused frustration and then cast a glance down his own body. The meaning of that glance was obvious: look at me, can't you see? How much more worthy do you want me to be?! Cécile laughed, continuing to stroke around the raging centre of his desire. "You are indeed blessed," she murmured, taking a lingering look at his hardness. "And you do certainly honour me with your... enthusiasm." She swept her hand suddenly around his shaft and squeezed, and Valmont cried out at the shock and the pleasure of it before biting his lip to calm himself down again. She let go almost instantaneously and bent down to kiss its pierced tip, dimpling the skin ever so carefully with her fangs. "Good boy," she said in a tender tone. "Don't be too eager to squander those riches all in one go." She licked slowly down his generous length, then up it again, before enclosing the glistening head in her mouth and starting to suck him.

Valmont moaned and twisted in his bonds, half insane at the frustration and desperate to be able to touch her as she gave him such pleasure, to stroke her skin and arouse her in all the ways he had learned in their long centuries together. But he could not move – could only lay here and suffer her tender ministrations. He smiled at that thought: suffer? There was no suffering here. She knew exactly what she was doing – she had never needed that much training.

Cécile suckled hungrily on him, taking him deep inside for a few precious moments and then rocking back to lash at his shaft with her tongue, nibbling along his length with her fangs. Then she took him inside her again, rolling her tongue wetly around his shaft even as she sucked upon him. She had always adored this, almost better than the penetration of sex itself, which with his immense size could sometimes be painful. To give so much pleasure, to gain so much from doing so. She glanced up at Valmont's face and her eyes sparkled mischievously, knowing that what he saw turned him on almost as much as what she was doing to him.

"Please Céci," he said breathlessly. "I need you."

She pulled her lips reluctantly from his root and writhed sensuously up his body, trailing wet hungry bites and kisses all over his chest until she lay flat along the length of his body, her face directly above his. Valmont could smell his own arousal on her breath as she bent down to kiss him and he hungrily tasted himself in her mouth. "Need me?" queried Cécile with a wry smile.

Valmont shrugged and returned her smile rather sheepishly. "Ok, maybe not need. But I want you." He strained again at the shackles on his wrists. "Please."

Cécile laughed softly and caressed his hot face with her fingers. "But I want you to need me," she purred, her voice like silk over broken glass. "I need you to need me. To be dependent on me for your every pleasure, your every moment of enjoyment in this. To want only me." Her eyes glowed like hot ice. She ran her tongue slowly along the inside of his upper lip before kissing him again more hungrily than ever. "Only me," she whispered in his ear, her breath tickling his throat.

Valmont was frantic now, desperate to be able to touch her, to be inside her, to feel her soft skin and the gentle rippling of her muscles as they moved together as one. He ached from her closeness; yearned for her to be closer still. All else had ceased to exist. There was now just the two of them on this bed and the rest of the world had disappeared. All he could think of was her, all he wanted was her. All he needed... "Need you," he gasped, and this time they both knew he meant it.

Cécile smiled warmly down at him and stretched her arms out to parallel his, to stroke his fingers with her own. Her pert breasts were breathlessly close to his face and Valmont could resist it no longer. He flicked out his tongue to reach one dark nipple and felt it stiffen beneath his touch, even as Cécile gasped at the sudden pleasure of it. He kissed the skin between her breasts and took the other nipple into his mouth for a hearty suck until it too stood hard and firm.

Cécile wanted to continue with the game but as soon as Valmont went interactive with it she always melted back into submission, always wanted his embrace too much to keep him restrained. His every touch drove her half insensible with desire and love, and she knew she would not be able to hold out for much longer.

She slid back down to crouch upon his thighs, to take his stiffness in hand once more and flaunt her power over him for a few brief moments more. To rub him so hard and so fast that it took all of his self-control not to come, and she could tell from the expression on his face just how close he was getting to losing that control. "If you want me to stop," she growled. "Just ask me. Ask me... nicely."

A spasm ricocheted across Valmont's flushed face as he strove to hold back the onrush of ecstasy he knew was so close, closer perhaps than even Cécile realised. "Please," he moaned. "Please stop. I don't want to come like this." He caught his breath as another dart shot up his spine. His lips fluttered and curled and eventually uttered the magick and unfamiliar words. "Please, Mistress, I beg you to stop."

At once she let go of him and fell hungrily down across the length of his body again, her mouth fiercely descending upon his, stealing his breath away. "You've earned your freedom," she whispered, her body trembling with her lust for him. She leaned over him and released one hand from its bondage, and he immediately sought her out, his fingers trailing shakily along the soft curve of her waist. Cécile released Valmont's other hand and he touched her face, slipping one finger between her lips with a ravenous smile. Cécile sucked hard on his finger, watching the lust writhe in his eyes, feeling the burning heat of him throbbing behind her.

Valmont felt soft hands on his ankles and stared in confusion up at Cécile, who laughed softly and kissed him once more. "Kandi," she breathed. Valmont grinned – he had forgotten they shared this room with another. Cécile gripped his face in her hands suddenly and stared at him fiercely. "But you want only me, remember," she warned.

Valmont smiled warmly up at her. "Of course I do, my love." His hands cupped her buttocks and held her down against his hardness. "My Mistress," he added with a wink. One hand danced up Cécile's spine and she moaned aloud, all jealousy forgotten in this transcendent pleasure. "Now, Mistress," he continued in a deep, sensual tone that drove Cécile insane with lust. "Won't you let me fuck you?!"

[27th March 2001]

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