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All I Have Ever Desired

Title probably speaks for itself...

I think of you.
I wish I could hang verses for you
On a garland of lilies
And lay them at your feet.
I wish I could speak in rhyme for you,
Coat my words in honey
And press them upon your tongue.
But alas! I find my muse has flown
Or quit her interest in my endeavours.

I ache for you.
I came to you so late in life
It seems a madness to be so swept up
In love's unthinking pageant so.
I wish I could sing my soul to you,
That you might know the true extent
Of my love, that burns like a fever
Yet is itself quenched in thoughts of you
Sustained in the desolation of my solitude.

I quest for you.
Borne aloft by hope beyond reason
I strive to be worthy of your notice
And look for deliverance, a sign, a chance.
I wish I could show my heart to you,
Lay myself at your feet and offer
All that I am, all that I have.
Full gladly would I surrender my pride
To the conquering glance of my master.

I pray for you.
Every day since you came into my heart
Is a blessing I count with fierce price
That makes all the pain of the waiting worthwhile.
I wish I could share my life with you,
I would give everything I have for one moment
So what must I pay for a lifetime of you?
I proffer it with joy in my soul
For I know you are all I have ever desired.

[4th January 2009]

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