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For His Eyes Only

He has the most beautiful eyes, inspirational and intense beyond measure...

His eyes are all to me:
The life of ages, the light of eternity
When I falter, they guide me
When I need, they inspire me
When I hunger, they feed me
And yet I know not their true light
I have never yet seen those eyes
Glimmer with love for me
Not in this lifetime

What shimmering majesty do I find
When I gaze into that face
And see divinity staring back at me?
How can I bear to be so far from the one
Who would complete my soul in ecstasy?
This world seems so vast when we are apart
And yet in the simple act of looking
I imagine the breach is mended
And you are here with me

Oh, cruel illusion:
To let me see those eyes alight for another
And believe they could shine so for me!
My long-cold heart is bruised to the core
To be enflamed once more
And feel the icy chasm of despair
I, who always seemed so cold,
To be burned by a love so great
That mere mortals would be consumed

But I, who cannot die
Who must live on, knowing you
Seeing you in every raindrop
Tasting you in every breath
Looking for you in every crowd
And praying for you in every dream
I, who cannot ever forget
Must find a way once more
To reach your distant heart

Your eyes haunt me:
Flickering in shades of grey and green
Lit by a fire from within
The poignant echo of a smile in their depths
The intensity of their gaze given to another
While I, great, proud I, linger alone
Aching for one glance to succour my heart
Longing for one look to sustain my hopes
Possessed by the light of your beauty

Come, tormenting spirit of darkness!
Come, avenging spirit of light!
Unite in me to forge a destiny greater than both of us!
Let me seek him out, to bring him home
Let me show him all that we could be
In a moment fragmented from time
Forged by the gods for our new incarnation!
We stand upon the precipice of all
And fearfully reach across time, one to the other

Let him see the mystery of the world
Let him know the secrets of time
Let him feel the wonders of life
Let him see me, know me, feel me
Encased in the flames of love's glory
Exalted in the fire of love's majesty
Enraptured in the glow of love's joy
Engulfed in the heat of love's power
Let time do its work, and heal us

His eyes are all to me:
The light of ages, the life through eternity
When I smile, they salute me
When I weep, they comfort me
When I love, they love me
And now I know their true light
I have finally seen those eyes
Glimmer with love for me
For all that's left of this lifetime

[4th January 2009]

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