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Vue and Voyeurs News:

Jan. 2003
Vue have recently signed to RCA and are currently in the studio.
Expect an EP in the Spring and a full-length to follow-up.

Vue are also on the cover of Fader magazine

Buy the new "Pictures of Me" single!
Includes several brand new tracks!

>>04/14/02: Athens and Atlanta pictures! Video stills too.. Updates continuing...

>>04/04/02: New look! Let me know what you think. A lot is still under construction. The photo album is being redone as some pictures are not up.

>>04/05/02- NEW TOUR DATES UP. European dates as well as two more shows in the States. Also, the site is going through much renovation. Look for some changes this coming week.
Update archive

>>04/05/02- NEW TOUR DATES UP. European dates as well as two more shows in the States. Also, the site is going through much renovation. Look for some changes this coming week.

>>03/21/02- Happy Birthday ME! Yes it is the birthday of your celebrated webmaster. Let there be much rejoicing and Vue listening for all.

>>03/19/02- Happy Birthday Vue fan Gwynne Siak. Although that is not relevant to Vue or the website, it is my page and I can make shout outs if I want to :-P

>>03/15/02- UK tour dates with ...Trail of the Dead! Check out the tour page

>>03/13/02- Uk pictures added to photoalbum. European dates with ...Trail of the Dead should be announced soon... check back to the site. Members of the Vue Voyeurs newsletter will be notified by e-mail

>>03/04/02- Tour Dates updated!!

>>03/03/02- Vue on M2 ! Vue's video for "Pictures of Me" made its television debut on MTV2's "120 Minutes." Help support the band and keep their video on the air by voting for Vue on M2's website:

>>02/27/02 New Texas date added! March 14th at Club Clearview. Thanks to Gret03/02chen for spotting that one on the club's website.

>>02/22/02 Working on fixing up some frames issues. Hopefully things look a little neater now. Ooh, NEW PICTURES. NICE ones from Stockholm. Check it. Vue's show with BRMC at the London Astoria is SOLD OUT!! Congrats to the band!

>>02/20/02: New article added!! This one comes from the Daily Nexus. Written by DJ Fatkid.. features an interview with Jonah. Good times. Click here to check it out.

>>02/18/02 Vue in the press: B.R.M.C. list Vue's Find Your Home as their number one pick in the latest SPIN magazine (Jimmy Fallon on cover). Yay! Also, word on the street is that there is a nice Vue review in the Feb. Mojo. Haven't been able to get a copy myself yet.. let me know if you can verify.

>>02/15/02 Goodies updated.

>>02/10/02 Yeah so.. I lied. Things didn't get done as quickly as I expected, but I am working on it. A few buddy icons are up for your download and enjoyment. I am making some desktop backgrounds...and typing up some lyrics.

>>01/31/02 I have begun to slowly post lyrics from the self-titled album. The first three are up, hopefully what I can make of the first album will be done by the end of week. The first of the "coming soon" windows will be revealed this weekend.

>>01/27/02 Vue's first UK interview is now on the net! A link to the article can be found under the "press" section of the music page or you can just click here to read it.

>>01//26/02- There is now a tour page so you dont have to scroll through all these other updates to find out where the band is playing.

>>01/25/02- It never ends does it? The band page has been updated. Fixed the links and added a quote...

>>01/24/02 -Frames. In case you haven't noticed...I reorganized the site to make it easier to navigate and to try to encourage people to JOIN THE NEWSLETTER! It's cool, I promise. You just enter your e-mail and I will let you know when Vue news happens.

>>01/21/02- Chat room is up! As the vistor flow increases I will get a chat events calendar up. For now though just stop by and see if anyone else is around. Make friends with other fans of good music!

>>01/14/02- So, not everyone out there in cyberspace has the coveted Bauhaus 93 font. Shame. What I decided to do was replace the titles written in that prime font (the official font of Vue Voyeurs) and replace them with graphics. It might make the pages a bit slower to load, but atleast it looks pretty. In fact, that shadow effect I created looks pretty darn snazzy if I do say so myself.

>>01/09/02- Yay photo album! Hopefully all the links work...Please e-mail me if you have some pictures you would like to add to the collection.

>>01/08/02- OK the bio has been written and theband page is up! We also now have VUE POSTCARDS. Wow. Still working on putting together a decent photo album.

>>01/07/02- The music page is complete. The band page is next on the list for construction.

>>01/03/02- The site is up! There are still many pages that need work and corrections to be made, but the Voyeurs site is declared open to the public.