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USA Independant Wrestling

Ring of Honor

Let me first tell you if you missed last nights show you missed one
Xciting Event!!!

Now I am not just saying that because I am PXW... I am saying it
because, Take a look at what happened.

The Event opened with the Xcitement Dancers and by the Owner DDC who
introduced our play by play announce team, Carolina Jim and Dirty
Deeds Darren Wyse, he also introduced our lovely Ring announcer

Then it was right to the Action.

Mr. Zero Vs. UltraMantis Two young rising stars, who have just
broken into the business, had one hell of a match. Mr. Zero the
Business Tyrant lost this bout to UltraMantis, described as part
insect, part superhero, in this opening match, Good over came the
tyrannical business man. Ultramantis with the victory.

D-Man Davidson came to the ring for a singles battle with long time
rival Bart Scholl. Bart brought his Cousin from West Mayburry NC
Skeeter Mc Coy and had in mind to over power the Street Fighter with
some back woods brawn. D-Man said he would take them both on
weather he had a partner or not. But just as the action was about
to start, PINKY the Flamingo Kid, came out to take the young D-Man
under his wing and teach him the ways of Professional Wrestling. D-
Man went along reluctantly. D-Man and Pinky Came away with the
Victory, but it was Pinky who gave the spinning leg drop and covered
the Hillbilly Bart Scholl, just as D-Man was going to dive from the
top rope and finish him. D-Man didn't seem to happy with his new

Rocken Rebel and Crazy Jake stepped in the ring to face each other.
These two veterans of the ring gave eachother all they had. In the
end, Rebel took the victory only to have it reversed because he was
holding the weapon that he ripped from Crazy Jakes hand. Winner
Crazy Jake By DQ.

The next match was a three way dance, Dino Divine Faced 2002 J-Cup
winner Reckless Youth, and Indy Star White Lotus. This match was
NON- STOP ACTION, as the three men did every thing they could to out
do each other and come up with the win. In the end, Reckless Youth
took the victory and extended his hand to White Lotus in a show of
respect, Lotus accepted much to the crowds delight. But when the
same gesture was given to Dino Divine, he responded much
differently, attacking Reckless Youth, and calling out the big 7
foot monster Hungarian Barbarian, the two brutally attacked Youth
until, DDC Owner of PXW brought none other than Former WWE Superstar
Gangrel to the ring to make the save. DDC then informed Hungarian
Barbarian that he would be facing the WWE Superstar in the main

After a brief Intermission, the Xcitement Dancers hit the stage one
more time.

DDC then brought Beauty and The Beast to the ring, they were
scheduled to face the Well Hung Warriors. It was explained that one
of the Warriors Had been hurt the prior night and that BATB would
win the match by default, as this was being explained Skeeter McCoy
and Bart Scholl came to the ring, demanding that BATB face them
tonight. BATB told them they had already competed and LOST. This
being pointed out enraged the Hillbillies and they attacked BATB.
BATB regained control and the Hillbillies scattered. But not before
DDC told them they would have to face BATB on September 14th at the
next PXW event.

Blind Rage has been climbing the Independent ranks for the last year
or so. The DOC has been overshadowed by Blind's success, so the
Match was set The DOC was to face the Rising Star known as Blind
Rage. This was an impressive display by both men. High Flying and
fast paced. This is one match you will have to see to appreciate.
Blind Rage won by finishing the DOC with a devastating maneuver. I
am sure that The DOC has his eye set on a rematch.... but will Blind
Rage entertain his request?

Former WCW Superstar Crowbar came to the ring with the lovely Syrena
to face Indy Icon Lightning Mike Quackenbush. Only a few minutes
into the match, Crowbar called Syrena into the ring to double team
Quackenbush. Quackenbush made a short retreat and headed to the
back, Crowbar and Syrena followed only to turn tail and run when
Quackenbush retrieved his own Female partner none other than Former
WWE Superstar Luna. The announcement was made it would now be a
Mixed Tag Team Match. And what a match is was. Crowbar, and
Quackenbush put on a display that has been unmatched up until now.
In the End, Luna exacted some revenge on Syrena for getting involved
and Pinned her for the team win.

The huge Hungarian Barbarian got involved earlier and as a result
was put into the main event against Former WWE Superstar Gangrel.
Gangrel came to the ring with the Brood's music behind him. And
the men commence to break boundaries that limited Big men to
brawling. Both men showed why the are considered the TOP in this
Sport. But as things began to slip for the Hungarian Barbarian, his
long time friend Dirty Deeds Darren Wyse came from his position at
the commentators table and grabbed the ref to stop the 3 count.
LUNA had seen enough and rushed the ring, going after Deeds,
knocking him out of the ring, and slamming his head into 2 of the
ring posts. As Gangrel came back in his struggle against the Big
Barbarian to get the pin fall win!

This EVENT was Xciting from top to bottom, and the Crowed of 150 or
so fans let all of the wrestlers know how much the appreciated all
the great action.

Also Attending the event was WWE Legend Chief J Strongbow who met
with fans through out the evening.