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Heartland Wrestling Association TV Taping


HWA returned to the Davis Arena in Louisville for their regular weekly
television taping on 7/14.

1) EZ Money beat "Rapid Delivery" Rory Fox in 4:15. Fox is good in the jobber
heel role. Money totally dominated, looking sharp on all of his trademark
spots. Finish saw Money moonsault to his feet and catch Fox with a rolling
neckbreaker to score the pin.

Brock Guffman hosted an interview segment with Steve Bradley and Lance Cade.
Bradley admitted that Chris Kanyon slipped one over on them last week because
they didn't know he was in the building (Kanyon had pinned Cade in a tag
match). Bradley said Kanyon had proven he was a coward and challenged him to
come out, face-to-face. Out came Kanyon with Mike Sanders and the five time
HWA Heavyweight Champion, Race Steele. Sanders said Steele also had problems
with "little bitch" Bradley. Steele got in Bradley's face, saying he had a
surprise for him. Steele suddenly turned on Sanders and Kanyon, hitting them
with a double clothesline. The heels pounded on Kanyon and Sanders until
Johnny the Bull hit the ring with a chair. Bull issued a challenge for a
six-man tag match. "We'll take care of all you bitches in the main event."
Strong segment.

2) Jason Sugarman & R. C. Haas beat The Island Boys (Kimo & Ekmo) by DQ in
5:45. Kimo cut a promo, talking about how Island Boys had stolen the show at
the last Pillman Memorial and run roughshod over the HWA. Kimo said now there
was a new team trying to rattle their cage. He vowed that Island Boys would
finish what they started in Dayton the week before.

Kimo went for a pearl harbor job on Sugarman, but the faces quickly recovered
to clear the ring with double dropkicks. Sugarman hit a double ax blow off
the top on Ekmo. Sugarman made the mistake of going after Kimo with a forearm
shot. Kimo made Sugarman pay by working him over on the floor. Ekmo leveled
Sugarman with clotheslines. A messed up spot temporarily killed the heat.
Island Boys swung some mean chairs to cause the DQ. Island Boys retain the
HWA Tag Team titles. Island Boys doubled on Sugarman. Ekmo went for a suplex.
Sugarman escaped by landing on his feet and dropped Ekmo with a neckbreaker.
Hot tag to Haas, who cleaned house with clotheslines. Ekmo superkicked Kimo
by mistake. Sugarman dropkicked Kimo into a two count by Haas. The face team
had Kimo laid out with a double flapjack, so Ekmo blasted them both with
chairs for the DQ.

3) B. J. Whitmer beat Matt Stryker to retain the HWA Cruiserweight Title in
4:50. No need to tell you what the sophisticated fans that populate the Davis
Arena chanted at "BJ." Stryker controlled the opening minute with a snug side
headlock. Whitmer landed a dropkick to Stryker's knee. Whitmer worked the
body part. Stryker finally connected on a surprise kick from a prone
position, with Whitmer taking the bump over the top rope. Stryker got up
selling the knee. Whitmer tried to come off the top, but Stryker landed a
fist to the gut. Stryker scored near falls with a powerslam and a
neckbreaker. Stryker was going for a DVD when he his knee gave way allowing
Whitmer to roll him up for the victory.

4) Travis Bain beat Chris Cage in 5:40. Dark match featuring OVW talent. Bain
is Travis Tomko, who is on WWE development deal. He has "Tomko" tattooed on
his back in large letters just in case there was any doubt about the identity
of the OVW mystery man. At this stage of development, Bain is nothing more
than a low rent version of Leviathan. This was better than the Bain-David
Flair match on Friday night's OVW show, and that largely due to Cage's work
as the undersized babyface. Cage tried to use his speed and quickness to
counter Bain's brute force, but Bain pretty much manhandled him. Bain does a
good fallaway slam. Bain eventually missed a lumbering charge into the
corner. Cage mounted the comeback, before missing on a crossbody off the top.
Bain does have a cool hanging neck stretcher of a finishing move.

5) Chris Kanyon & Mike Sanders & Johnny the Bull beat Lance Cade & Steve
Bradley & Race Steele in 11:05. Excellent main event. Kanyon started with
Cade, but he wanted a piece of Steele. Kanyon hit a Russian legsweep on Cade
and then a belly to belly suplex on Bradley for a two count. Sanders and
Kanyon teamed up for simultaneous kicks to the chest and back of Bradley as
he sat on the mat. Bull hit a powerslam. The tide turned when Steele pulled
the ropes down, with Kanyon taking a spectacular bump over the top. Steele
threw Kanyon into the brick pillar that supports the ceiling the Davis Arena.
Steele used three consecutive German suplexes. Steele covered and Sanders
broke up the pin. Steele was bleeding from the nose. Bradley hit a German of
his own. Kanyon's selling was major league. Cade put the boots to him. Cade's
kicks are good, but he relies on them too much. Kanyon was able to hit a
neckbreaker and make the tag to Bull...corner splash on Cade...bulldog on
Bradley for a two count. Bradley boosted Bull of his feet and caught him with
a mule kick to the groin. Bradley missed on a moonsault. Bull did a clutch
uranage for two count. Sanders got two with a superkick...and disappeared.
Cade interfered by smashing Kanyon into the wall next to the apron and
superkicking Bull. Bull and Bradley were both down.

They did a series of good false finishes. The ref tried to stop Bull from
using a chair. Bull sent Bradley face down on the chair with a drop toehold
for a two count. Cade hit Bradley with an accidental forearm shot and Bull
rolled Cade up for a two count. Kanyon hit a crossbody off the top for
another near fall. Spot of the night was a double pin by Kanyon. He had Cade
in a rolling reverse cradle and then did a bridging Northern lights suplex on
Bradley. Cade hit Bradley with a clothesline that was intended for Kanyon.
Finish saw Kanyon hit the Flatliner on Cade.

Steele jumped Kanyon and Bull after the bell. Sanders returned to the ring to
join Kanyon in a double team on Steele. The heels powdered to the outside.
Kanyon challenged Cade to a title match at the next taping.

6) Red Dogg beat Seven in 6:05. Back and forth with both working hard until
Dogg won it with a rollup out of nowhere.

NOTES: Announcing was handled by Les Thatcher and Brock Guffman. Thatcher
announced that they would be taping two shows starting at 7pm on 7/21...Crowd
was 80. The building made the NCW Arena feel spacious. The upside is that
they the building feels full and has good heat with that size crowd...They're
not shy about expressing themselves at Davis Arena and the workers can hear
every word. They were going back and forth with Guffman for most of the show.

Credit: Larry Goodman


Previous Heartland Wrestling Association Tv Tapings