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USA Independant Wrestling


CHIKARA began its weekly run at the Wrestle Factory last night, Friday May
31st, in Allentown. Referee Paul Turner oversaw the action, as 100 rabid
wrestling fans got to see the following matches:

1) Love Bug defeated Blind Rage by disqualification, after the official DQ'ed
Rage for a low blow. Love Bug had things well in hand when Rage socked him
the groin, causing the immediate disqualification. Afterwards, a frustrated
Rage put Love Bug in the STF, until Marshal Law chased him off.

2) Zane Madrox pinned Matt Vandal after a legdrop from the turnbuckles.
Vandal was impressive in his CHIKARA debut, but the extremely unorthodox Zane
managed to win this very evenly-matched bout.

3) UltraMantis used his Butterfly Superplex to beat Mister ZERO. Throughout
the match, ZERO took time to read the newspaper, and help himself to some
coffee, which infuriated the masked hero. The surprising finish came as ZERO
tried to scale the corner, and UltraMantis sent him flying with his superplex.

4) Marshal Law used the Gedo Clutch to pin Brock Singleton. These two
heavyweights blasted each other with high impact moves throughout, and as
Singleton tried to evade the Camel Clutch, he found himself slipped into the
Gedo Clutch for the pin.

5) The Night Shift (Blind Rage, Hallowicked, Ichabod Slayne) upset the Black
T-shirt Squad (Reckless Youth, Don Montoya, Mike Quackenbush) when Slayne
smashed a pumpkin over Quack's head, leading to a pinfall by Blind Rage.
Montoya and Reckless were late arriving from another show, so Quackenbush
began the match alone against the entire Night Shift. Minutes later, the
remaining members of the BTS appeared, and the six-man match changed
complexion. In the final moment, Quackenbush used his Quackendriver on Rage,
but with the ref distracted, Slayne cracked Quack with his pumpkin, leaving
him easy prey for Rage, and the pin.
After the match, Reckless Youth spoke on behalf of Montoya and a
semi-conscious Quack, calling for a re-start of the match, as it was already
10pm, due to city ordinance, the match could not continue. Instead, Reckless
announced that next week, the BTS would face the Night Shift in singles