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The alabama wrestling update

Joe Slaten

The Alabama Wrestling Update by Joe Slaten

July 27th, 2002 Edition - Limited Press

Welcome everyone to another edition of The Alabama Wrestling Update. Going on 3 years bringing you to best of the best of what Alabama Pro Wrestling has to offer, and its never going to stop. Theres a new kid in town trying to take my job! But thats ok I don't have the time to update a site everyday like he can nor do I care to... been there done that. But its a nice little site on angelfire (thats were My first Alabama Wrestling site was too!!!) check it out here keep up the good work AW needs all the attention it can get.

Some wonder why I don't put every single promotion in my update, well the simple fact is I don't like crap. If you run crappy shows don't expect the great one to talk about it, becaue its not worth it. Now there is some promotions that put everything they got into it, heart, soul, and money... promotions like GCW, which to me no other promotion in AL has yet to come close to touching. Maybe one day, one day indeed! Pick up the pace guys you can't expect someone to come to a shyt show when your booking BS workers with no advertising. Maybe you should learn how to promote a show before you actually try and run one. Talk to GCW & APCW about how its done, they might be able to show you a few pointers.

Speaking of GCW, I am sad to announce this but Eli the Killer Klown one of GCW's most popular stars has announced his retirement due to an injury that has caused him to leave the ring. AW wishes him the best of luck with his future projects and hopes he doesn't leave the sport completly.
No word on when the next GCW show is but you can always find out by checking out the board on the GCW site.

Robert Harmon is opening a new promotion using the USWA name. The first show is set to debut on August 23rd in Prattville, AL @ Doster Community Center. Bell Time is 8 O' Clock. Acourse since this is in my backyard and the party animal is running it you know I'm gonna be there to see how things turn out!!

ACW - On Friday, July 19, Church on the Rock on Hwy 202 in Anniston sponsors Slam 'n Jam. Doors open at 5:30pm, bell time is at 6:00pm. Admission is a $1 donation. See such ACW stars as Damon Taz, Big Shane Anderson, Jamie Richards, Jigsaw, The Nasty Kritters, Studley Dudley, Insane Dragon, Johnny Remarkable, Miguel Bagwell, Scott Reznor,and many more!

Ultimate Championship Wrestling returns to Decatur, AL on July 25th at the Freeway Club HWY 31. Must be 21 or Older to Enter. Girls, Wrestling, how much better can you get? Who knows, check it out if your in the area.

Friday in Falkville, AL 8pm, MCW wrestling to take place.
Saturday in Hanceville, AL 7:30pm, UCW wrestling to take place.

Any shows? Send them to me!!!!!!!!

I'm also sad to announce that my Continental site project that I have been working on and off for about a year now is on a hold due to my time frame. I really hope to get it up soon but in the mean time check out this awesome site over at Kayfabe Memories you can actually buy replica masks of THE BULLET and THE NIGHTMARES!!!! How about that?! Yeah and check out the Continental Message Board lots of legends tend to stop by to talk to the old fans. Great memories are relieved on this site. Great work one of the best on the net.