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Kisaki -- (from Syndrome's Nostalgia single) Overusing the cover-half-your-face-to-reduce-asymmetry-and-look-prettier trick, but then, he is 29 years old... <wiggles cane>

Dig the Dork in the Soundwave T-Shirt -- Oh wait, that's me!

And To Get That Bad Taste of Me Out of Your Mouth -- Here's a couple lame shots of Aikawa Nanase from the Midnight Blue single's interior sleeve. The song's not so hot either. But one more single and I've got them ALL! (No Future I still need.)

Alice-gawa Alice's New Band? -- No, it's only that Peruvian duo that sells its CDs for $30 on empty streets.

December 01

Shaaadowwws of My L~u~u~u~v!

now playing:
Vasalla's Passage (1997);
Opeth's Morningrise (1997)

Roiyu came over, we hung out and went over some music... he also told me that La:Sadies was Kyo, Kaoru, Die, Shinya, and Kisaki! (I had thought La:Sadies was just Kyo, maybe Die or Kaoru, and three other guys that vanished). But no, it was pretty much the same lineup as Dir en grey now, with the obvious exception of Toshiya.

Apparently Kisaki was the leader of the La:Sadies, but quit because he wanted complete and utter control over everything and the other band members weren't down with that.

So Kisaki joined Vasalla, and then Syndrome. And Toshiya joined Deg, and the rest is history... and Roiyu has a copy of Deg's first-ever live gig, which he promised to bring over next time we meet... probably Friday. Mwuah ha ha!

And while we're on the subject of rogue bassists, here's the skinny on Ai (ex-Missalina Rei, now in my band): first there was the guitarist, the drummer, Aiya the singer and Alice-gawa Alice bassist. (Yes, the bassist's name is Alice-gawa Alice, that's not a misprint!) Alice wanted to sing. But of course so did Aiya (the singer!), so Alice (the bassist!) quit, with Ai replacing him. Later, Aiya quit. So Alice came back. As the vocalist. And Ai quit. And Aiya came back, as bassist. Confused? I had to draw a flowchart before I understood it!

Oh, and you know that band Garden whose CD I thought I bought two weeks ago? It's not Garden! It's "For Romance~"... the name of the band is "For Romance~"! What kind of gay-ass name is that?!

Garden is the -title- of the disc. Which explains the lack of vinyl and chains -- For Romance~ are a bunch of wimps! Still, there were some good ballads on that disk...

Other news: I saw Luna Sea's latest DVD release, Eclipse I & II, on sale yesterday. It's got all their good PVs on it, including True Blue, Rosier, and Gravity. But the most important ones for me are the Style-era vids: End of Sorrow, Desire, and In Silence. Not because they're well-crafted videos -- though they are -- but because I associate them with those awfully fun, long-lost New York karaoke nights I enjoyed with Big Sung, L'il Sung, Min, Tenk, and whomever else came along. <sigh> Those were fun times. With the wrinkled, beer-stained romaji lyric sheets printed out from japanlyrics.com, and all of us fumbling along with the words as we tried to sing, and two dozen empty beer and cider bottles getting knocked over by mic cords snaking across the table, and not a care in the world... natsukashiiiiii! And so I'll pay any price to even vaguely recapture those happy times. And buying the new Luna Sea DVD is a good start!

And don't ya just hate those fake videos they use at most karaoke joints -- where instead of showing the band's actual promotional video, they show cheap footage of bad actors running around on beaches shooting at each other, interspersed with shots of vaguely attractive girls with '80s hairstyles "playing" guitar, which means "holding it incorrectly and waving one's right hand over the strings while the cameramen wildly zoom in and out on one's butt." Stupid videos!

And to close: the weather turned from fall-like and pleasant to ouch-my-hands-hurt coldness overnight last night. But all the schoolgirls were still wearing those short blue pleated skirts of theirs. Don't they have pants to wear or something?! "Ooh, frostbite! ~Sexy!~"

<<<prev / next>>>

For Romance~ -- from the single Garden. (And not, as erroneously stated in nov19.html, "Garden -- from the single For Romance~.")
Kurenai Da! -- (New York, June 2001) Not quite karaoke, but a close approximation! From left to right: Tenk, "Big" Sung, me, Belle, "L'il" Sung, and Min. I'm in Tokyo now, and Min's in Seoul, and everyone else here is in various states of college-ification, so the likelihood of a renewed full-force attack upon Sing Sing or Village Karaoke is lamentably low. Which is why it's imperative that I become a billionaire, buy my own karaoke bar, stock it with j-rock and booze, send first class plane tickets to everyone, and try to sing along with End of Sorrow at the top of my lungs again! "Sometimes, I... What's wrong with that?"

