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Action packed!
Here I am blowing my nose!

July 1

Lazy Sunday

now playing: L'Arc~en~Ciel's True (1996)

Spent most of Sunday sleeping. No hangover this time. :)

Had to call and turn down another set of bands Cameron suggested seeing at Takadanobaba AREA (only a couple tops from Shinjuku, so maybe 30 minutes from home, which is nice). I feel bad, but we're still on for the Mad Family Tour (which has several cool, biggish groups, none of which I can think of right now)!

Weird side-bit: To call Cameron, who lives at a "gaijin house", I need to dial his denwa bango, then enter a three-digit extension. For this, you need tone dialing (the typical beeping push-button dealie). But here at Kayo's parents' place, we only have pulse dialing (like the old dial phones where you loop your finger around and it goes tickticktickticktick each time).

HOWEVER, and this is the weird part, Kayo's parents' phones -are- push-button! But NTT (the national phone company monopoly) charges more for push button service. So, long story short, I had to walk to a payphone in 33 degree C heat to call Cameron.

I also an hour today setting up my So-Net email. Then I remembered I have email through Jrocknyc.com too! So I have to figure out how to set MS Outlook 97 to do two email addresses. I've also got my work email, with Sessions.edu, on Eudora 5.1, but I like to keep business and personal stuff seperate, especially since half the stuff I email would send me to an asylum quicker than scissors cutting through eyelids.

Last week I grabbed some band-ad email addresses, one for a "visual punk" band that listed X, and has 27- and 28-year-old members. Sounds kinda cool because while I like complicated musical stuff, I can't always play it on guitar or drums. And it'd be nice to have songs that I can learn in 30 seconds and jump around a lot too, instead of having to concentrate!

There's also a couple of death/thrash bands looking for guitarists. As long as I stick to rhythm, that'd be cool... my solos are more on the slower, melodic side, as opposed to sweep-picking 32ndths. And then a "L'Arc, Luna Sea, Green Day" band was loking for somebody.. I forget whether they wanted a guitarist or drummer though!

Oh! And remember that dude I accosted on the heavy metal floor of Disk Union the other day? He wrote back and wants to get together. "Akusi", his name was.

Other cool little tidbits:there's an all-girl prog metal band (at least, I think they're prog metal -- judging from the imagery and album titles, Wings of Fire and Mirage on the Ice, they seem it) playing Tokyo on 7/14, which should be cool to go see. Aphasia, they're called... I still haven't seen the website, at www.castle-records.com.

Also, tickets for the Sex Machine Guns / Wildhearts / Guitar Wolf show went on sale today, and I forgot! Hope there's some left tomorrow. Y6000's a lot, but if all SMG and Ginger's band does an hour-and-a-half each (Guitar Wolf I could care less about), I'll be satisfied.

They've been showing Mariners games on TV around noon each day -- Ichiro, the nation's baseball hero (and a friendly one a that) is an outfielder with them. I'm not sure if the Japanese TV station (TBS, i think) has cameras set up for each game, or if they just use the American camera feeds; sometimes the shots have that Japanese vibe (quick pans, more intense close-ups... kind of music-video like, comapred to the more static American shots). And during U.S. commercial breaks, they always cut to Ichiro walking off the field of in the dugout for a bit (I think commercial breaks in Japan tend to be shorter than in America). This has nothing to do with jrock, does it. Wow, today was a really dull day. And what a crappy way to end a diary entry!

Ooh, funny story: Kayo, like most Japanese, use washcloth-like hankerchiefs on hot days to wipe perspiration off their foreheads. So we're lying around reading -- it's too hot to move. Out of nowhere she bellows "UGH!" -- turns out that, engrossed in her book, she had mistaken my sweaty socks -- which I wore during drumming last night, eww-- for her hankerchief. LOL!

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