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USA Independant Wrestling

World Wide Wrestling Alliance Report

1) Wolfman d. I.C Champ, Armageddon by Count Out. Armageddon fail to show up to defend his Title, so WWWA Pres. Dino Sanna Ordered ref. Bobby Black to start the match. And if the I.C champ didn't show by the 10 count, not only does he lose the match, but his title would be stripped from him. He Didn't show so the title was taken from him, and a Tournament will be held. After The Count out the former I.C's manager, DDC came out w/ Hard core Kitty to object to Armageddon having the title taken from The Diamond empire. This fell on deaf ears. and the deed was done. DDC then Called out Thorn to wrestle Wolfman. The match was made.

2) Wolfman def. Thorn by DQ due to outside interference. Wolfman was too much for Thorn controlling most of the Match. The only real offense that Thorn could muster was to work on Wolfs bad knees. Wolf gave Thorn a Piledriver and then Bodacious Brad (Thorns Tag Partner) came to the ring and Attacked Wolfman, The Jack Hammer came to the ring and started hitting wolf with the kendo stick. Ref, Black DQ'd Thorn and Sr Official Dan Haney had to come out and help separate all the wrestlers.

3) Bodacious Brad wins by DQ over Sam Desperately, due to Outside interference. The psycho man Sam Desperately came to the ring in a straight Jacket w/ 'Little Sam" and a Hospital orderly. Brad was too much for the crazy man as he was over most of this match that had no real wrestling moves in it. Both wrestlers traded cheap shot after cheap shots and as Brad was getting ready to cover Sam for the win, Guess who show up. Wolfman jumped into the ring and attacked Brad. That brought Thorn out to help his tag partner. Sr. Ref Dan Haney called for the bell and DQ'd Sam. After order was restored by the Ref's Wolf grabbed the mic and demanded a Tag match for next month between pitting Wolf & Sam against Hollywood X,(Brad & Thorn.) Then to add to more fire to the flame, DDC came out and announced to the crowd that Hollywood X has just joined the new Diamond Alliance. Just when you thought it was save to go back into the ring this happens..So the match was made for next month in Emmaus on July 21st.

4) Jack Hammer def. Montana to retain his World title. Hammer started match as he always does stunning his opponents with a shot to the throat. The it was all down hill from there for Montana. The match spilled out into the bar area. And neither wrestler left a tip for the bar keep for having to clean up the mess they made. The match moved back to the ring were Hammer kept the presser on Montana. Hammer whipped Montana into the corner and gave his opponent a few body shots. and a few closeline the as Montana was out on the mat floor, Hammer hit a citron and Ref. Black made the 3 count.

5) John "The Paisano" Balsamo pins "Drinking Buddy "Johnny Walker for win in his WWWA debut. Walker was introduced for his match, but his valet Sweet Inspiration had to go to the bar to get him. Wakers & his Valet came to the ring with a bottle. Guess they think they are still at a frat house party. WWWA Pres., Dino Sanna came to the ring and addressed the fans, and introduced this new Wrestler. Sanna told the crowd that he found this wrestler on a recent trip to Italy. Pres. Sanna told "The Paisano" and Walker that he wanted to see a scientific match. Both Wrestlers shook hands and started the match. Walker and Paisano had a test of strength and Walker knocked The Italian Wrestler on his back. He got up and Shook walker hand again. both wrestlers treaded moves and each countered them as well. Walker kept going over to his Valet to sneak a swig from the bottle when Sr. Ref, Haney wasn't looking. All that Drinking must have taken it toll on Walker. John "The Paisano" Balsamo went to the top rope and hit Walker w/ a cross body off the top rope and rolled Walker up for the win. After the match Walker asked his opponent to came back to the ring and Walker raised John's arm in victory. Then the two had a drink on Walker in the center of the Squared Circle.

6 ) Tag Team Match. Wolfman & Sam Desperately gets win over Hollywood X. Sam Pins Bodacious Brad What happen to next month..Thats what we wanted to know too.. Well, it seems that DDC, also being the WWWA commissioner decided to move the match up. DDC found out that Wolf got hurt in the 1st match and he thought that would be the perfect opportunity to get a win off the two misfits of the ring. Boy was he wrong..!!!!!! Wolf & Sam came out like 2 crazed men (OK we know one really is, we will let you pick which one it is.) Any how, Sam and Wolf ran Hollywood X right out of the ring and into the arms of DDC for comfort. Thorn didn't want to start the match and neither did Brad. The ref started his 10 count and Thorn got in just before the count out. He didn't stay long, Wolf tossed him right back out. The match went back and forth with Hollywood X double teaming Sam every chance they had. And with Wolf hurt Sam was in most of the match. But when Wolf did enter the ring the tied changed and in the end Wolf grabbed Brad and Thorn giving then a double head butt. Sam ended up pinning Brad with asst., going to "Little Sam." Don't ask who "Little Sam is, come and see for yourself.

7) H.W Champ, Demitrios Arion def. Heart Breaker to keep his title. This match was going to be U.S Champ Fury vs.H.W Champ Arion, a Title for Title match. Fury didn't make it, and Pres. Sanna wanted to strip Fury of his U.S title, just like he took Armageddon's I.C belt in the 1st match. DDC somehow got Fury a reprieve thus leaving no opponent for the H.W Champ. Demitrios Arion, the Champ he is, issued a challenge to anyone in the locked room. He didn't have to wait long, but it didn't come from the locker room, it came from the Streets of Emmaus. Heart Breaker came in from outside, and he was not even scheduled for this event and took the challenge. Mr. Showtime who manages both wrestler didn't want them to wrestle again. You say again? On June 2nd in Lansdale, DDC made a match pitting the 2 Showtime INC. boys against each other. That ended in a no contest due to interference by DDC and Armageddon. Well, as we said Heart Breaker (H.B) got the taste of going for the gold and he liked it. The two started the match off strong, H.B hit a flying head scissors, Arion countered w/ a couple Flap Jacks, The 2 when out of the ring and took it to each other, The end came when H.B went for a Bull Dog from the Top Rope only to have the champ block it. Then Heart Breaker Went for a cinton but missed. Arion scooped H.B up and gave him a running Slam, for the win.. I guess DDC knew what he was doing in Lansdale on 6/2 cause it seem there maybe some bad feelings in the Showtime INC. camp now.

Thanks to Dan Haney for this report.

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