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USA Independant Wrestling

United Championship Wrestling Report

First 1/2 Hour- Brett paige lost to Christopher Dream. Scorpio lost to Hunter Thompson. "Dynamic Duo" Neil Nitro & AJ Frost beat 'The Good Fellas" Sonny Dego & Tony Guliania. Lee Storm beat Fuzzy bass to win the UCW TV Title. Dr. Feelgood interfered helping Storm win.

Second 1/2 Hour- Scorpio lost to Mack Truck. Johnny B. Goode beat Bubba Hogg Jr. Ricky Noble beat Brett Paige. Lightning beat red Scorpion. After Lightning won, Christopher Dream ran in and beat him up. Armageddon & Manslaughter beat The Dynamic Duo to win the UCW Tag Team Titles.

Third 1/2 Hour- "The Good Fellas" lost to "The Last Resort" Gravel & Drake. Brett Paige lost to Ice Pick. Kentaro Yammoto lost to Lee Storm. Ricky Noble beat Bubba Hogg Jr.

Fourth 1/2 Hour- Armageddon & Manslaughter beat Brett Paige & Bubba Hogg Jr. Scorpion #2 lost to Hunter Thompson. Red Scorpion lost Mack Truck. Next was a King of the Hill Gauntlet match- Dynamic Duo beat The Good Fellas. Duo beat The Last Resort. Duo then lost to Ice Pick & Barbwire. Before we go into the

Fifth 1/2 Hour, Lightning and Christopher Dream will have a best of 7 series for Dreams U.S. title.

Sixth 1/2 Hour- First match of best of 7 series Lightning lost to Christopher Dream. Rest of this 1/2 hour show is Promo's and Highlights. Seventh 1/2 Hour- Second match of best of 7 series Lightning lost to Christopher Dream. Again the rest of the 1/2 hour is Highlights, Promo's and "Best of Stuff". Card itself was two hours. But everyone stuck around another hour for Promo's.

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