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All Pro Wrestling Report

All Pro Wrestling for 6/9/01:

The fans of Vallejo, California were treated to another night of All Pro Wrestling action on Saturday night. The crowd was a very vocal one, and they are showing how much Vallejo loves APW. The Pacific Sports Center was to play host to a big show filled with superstars from all over the country. Ring Announcer Joseph Lee did interviews with some superstars such as Michael Modest, Donovan Morgan and Chicano Flame in the APW Merchandise Bunker before the show got started. Then at 7:30pm, Lee climbed into the ring and did his famous "Let's Get Ready To WRESTLE!!!", signaling that the show was ready to begin...

-Sheik Ali Boom Boom (with Buddy Cotello, Esq.) vs. Chicano Flame Cotello got the mic and put down Chicano Flame and his homeland of Mexico, while he praised Boom Boom and Iraq. This got the fans mad at Cotello, and they heckled him all night long. Boom Boom tried telling them to "shut up", but it didn't work, as they only grew louder. They were really behind Flame, as he hit some nice moves including a flying bodypress off the ropes. Boom Boom was very slow and methodical when he took control, overpowering the much smaller Flame. The Sheik took control a few minutes in, and never let go of it. He hit a big splash, and then followed it with the Camel Clutch. Flame tapped out and Sheik Ali Boom Boom was awarded the victory via submission. Winner: Sheik Ali Boom Boom in 5:35 ( * * )

-Super Destroyer 2000 vs. Tommy Blaze Super Destroyer is one of the most hated men in APW, while the young and exciting Blaze is one of the more popular. The fans backed up Blaze in this encounter, while Destroyer jawed back and forth with the ringsiders. SD2K showed that his experience and size play a big part in his attack, as he tore into Blaze for the first few minutes. Blaze never got a chance to mount any offense, and just as the 5-minute mark approached, out of nowhere came the Original Westside Playaz! Robert Thompson & Tony Jones hit the ring and jumped both Blaze & SD2K. They tossed Blaze out of the ring, and Tony Jones hit some good suplexes on SD2K. Then Thompson nailed him with a few chairshots. This is yet another message the Original Playaz are sending out to anyone who gets in their way. Just like they did last weekend to Chicano Flame & Sean Patrick O'Doule, this week their victims were SD2K & Tommy Blaze. Winner: No Contest in 5:06 ( * * )

-Interview with The Original Westside Playaz After the beatdown by the Playaz, "Mack Daddy" Jimmy Ripp introduced his Playaz, and talked a lot of smack to the fans of Vallejo. SD2K & Tommy Blaze had to be carried back to the dressing room by security, while Ripp mouthed off about The Kamikaze Kids absence. Miyaki Frantz is out filming a movie, while his brother Jardi is touring with NOAH. Ripp says it's all false, and the Kids really want nothing to do with Thompson & Jones. They called out Boyce LeGrande and told him to find any partner to take them on tonight for the titles. Boyce came out on the stage with his valet/girlfriend Xtacy. Robert Thompson grabbed the mic and warned Boyce that if he got in the ring, they would destroy him. Robert talked about how he was upset at Boyce for following the orders of Xtacy, and he would be better off not getting in the ring with them tonight. Finally, Boyce got a chance to speak. He said they made it personal by putting their hands on Xtacy last weekend in Pacifica, and he was going to find a partner to challenge them for the belts. However, if there is nobody available, he would wrestle them both by himself.

-Keiji Sakoda, Samoa Joe & Frankie "The Future" Kazarian (with Shane Dynasty) vs. The Snott Brothers & ??? Before the match got underway, Shane Dynasty got on the mic and let the fans know that Rick Bassman is out scouting new talent to join their ranks, and he would be managing Team UPW alone tonight. Betty Beefcake then had an announcement of her own. She let it be known that their partner Sean Patrick O'Doule would not be teaming up with them tonight, due to an injury. So they went out and got a different partner...a 7-FOOT 410-POUND PARTNER!! DALIP SINGH!!! Dalip came to the ring wearing "Snott-Glasses"!!! Team UPW wanted nothing to do with him, and it took them a few minutes to finally settle down their nerves and start the match. Dalip started the match off and totally overpowered anyone who got in the ring with him. Nothing Team UPW did could knock him down, or even force him to break a sweat. Dalip tagged out and let The Snotts take over. They are becoming a very good tag team, as they displayed here tonight. But a few minutes into it, Team UPW took the advantage and put a tremendous beating on both Snott Brothers. First, "Big" Peter was at the mercy of some very innovative moves by Samoa Joe, Frankie The Future & Keiji Sakoda, for a good 3-minutes. He finally made the tag to Seymour, who got them back in it for a minute, but was soon knocked back down and put on defense, after a Samoa Joe belly-to-belly suplex.

Team UPW controlled the tempo for a good ??? minutes. They beat on Seymour relentlessly, not allowing him to get to his corner. They used cheat tactics, double team moves, suplexes, superkicks etc. to keep Seymour grounded. The fans were mostly behind Team APW, as they chanted "APW...APW..." hoping Seymour could muster up enough energy to make a hot tag to one of his partners. Finally, at about the 11-minute mark, Seymour caught Frankie The Future with a boot to the face, and hit a bulldog. Both men were down, trying to get to their respective corners. Seymour made the tag to Dalip!!!

Singh came in and cleaned house with ease. He clotheslined all of Team UPW, and then chokeslamed Sakdoa. Big Peter jumped in the ring, and hit a huge splash! 1...2...3!!! The Snotts & Dalip Singh had won the match, coming back from a brutal beating at the hands of Team UPW. What a victory it was for APW. The UPW guys argued with Shane Dynasty all the way back to the dressing room, obviously questioning what had went wrong. Winners: The Snott Brothers & Dalip Singh in 11:36 ( * * * )

-Interview with Donovan Morgan & Michael Modest Morgan & Modest came out for an interview conducted by ring announcer Joseph Lee. They talked about how they were no strangers to Chris Daniels & Maxx Justice, and tonight they would prove that they were the top indy wrestlers in the nation, and not Justice & Daniels. They called themselves the "Franchise Players" in APW, and they were going to prove it tonight in the ring. They also said they had a surprise for Shane Dynasty and Team UPW tonight.

-Dr. Luther vs. Jay Jensen Two newcomers to APW, who both worked very hard tonight. Both are very skilled wrestlers, with a lot of talent. Luther does a devil gimmick, while Jensen is more of a traditional pro-wrestler. The tide of this match went back and forth a number of times, with each man displaying a great amount of endurance and ability. Luther wrestled a slower style, usually taking time to jaw at the fans while he was in control. Jensen was a little quicker, and the pace would speed up when he was in control. About 8-minutes into it, Jensen suprised the Vallejo crowd by hitting a dive through the ropes onto Luther, who was on the floor! The battle raged on until Luther caught Jensen with a running powerbomb in the middle of the ring, and was able to get the 3-count. A hard fought battle that showed it took a lot out of both men. A valiant effort by the newcomer Jay Jensen, but the veteran, Dr. Luther was too much for him tonight. Winner: Dr. Luther in 9:56 ( * * 1/2)

-B-Boy (with Shane Dynasty) vs. "Innovator" Vincenzo Massaro Dynasty was going to try to even up the series at 1-1, but he would have his hands full with the former Internet Champion, Vincenzo Massaro. The match started off very fast paced, with Vinny showing B-Boy that he could wrestle his style if he had to. Vinny got a huge pop for his rope-walking-armbreaker. B-Boy used Shane Dynastys assistance to take the advantage a few minutes into the match. B-Boy got better as the match wore on, he really impressed me, and i would like to see a little more of him in the future. However, while going for a hurricarana, Vinny held on, and turned the move into a reverse-face-eraser (tossing B-Boy over his head & behind him, and then grabbing his feet and planting him into the has to be seen!) This got a huge Holy Sh*t chant from the crowd. Vinny kept up his offensive attack, and even took a minute out to hit Dynasty with a somersault splash from the apron to the floor! B-Boy however, came to the rescue with a dive off the top, down onto Massaro, who was on the floor.

Back in the ring, after a few near falls, Vincenzo was back in control, and "innovated" a new move, when he turned a vertical suplex into a stunner!!! This move only got a 2 1/2 count, and the war raged on. Faceplant by Vinny got a 2 count...B-Boy with a powerbomb only got a 2 count as well. Finally, after a missed clothesline attempt, Vinny took the advantage to hook his opponent in the Pink Poodle Driver, and nailed it! 1...2...3! That was all she wrote, as Vincenzo Massaro picked up a huge victory for Team APW. The fans loved it, as they cheered Vinny loudly, approving of him with a tremendous "APW" chant. B-Boy & Dynasty argued in the ring for a minute, and then left separately. Things have almost totally fell apart for Team UPW tonight, but they still have one chance left, later on, in the main event. Winner: Vincenzo Massaro in 11:15 ( * * * )

*APW Tag Team Championship* -The Original Westside Playaz (with Jimmy Ripp) vs. "Bad Boy" Boyce LeGrande (with Xtacy) Would this be a handicap-match? It looked like it, as Boyce came to the ring alone, ready to challenge for the titles by himself. He said if it came to this, he would go through with it, and he was keeping his promise. A 2-on-1 tag title match was set, and The Playaz loved the odds. Even though Boyce took the early advantage, it took the Playaz a few minutes to settle into a groove, and take the lead. Boyce did a good job holding on for the first 3-minutes, but after that it was all Playaz. They have too much experience and too much power and ability to be taken out by one man alone. Jones nailed some nice looking suplexes on Boyce, but Thompson's belly-to-back off the top was awesome! Playaz had the lead, and stayed on it, and it looked like it was going to be a total squash. However, about 8-minutes into the match, some music began playing, and out came...Super Destroyer 2000!?!?! That's correct! SD2K was out to get revenge on the Playaz attacking him earlier in the night, and almost putting him out with an injury.

Super Destroyer 2000 stood in Boyces corner, ready to make the tag whenever he could get up enough energy to do so. The fans cheered loudly for the Bad Boy to come back and tag the fresh partner, but Thompson & Jones kept up their attack. A few times, Boyce came close, but the Playaz would always drag him back into their corner. Jones hit an amazing side-slam in this match, one of the best i have seen...very stiff. Finally, after a good 14-minutes of taking punishment, Boyce clotheslined Thompson, knocking him down long enough to tag in Super Destroyer! He totally cleaned house, hitting flying shoulder tackles, powerbombs & clotheslines! Just then, out of nowhere, Destroyer ripped his mask off, right in the middle of the ring!!! It was...MARK SMITH!!! All this time, SD2K was Mark Smith!?!? The fans couldn't believe it! Smith went to work on Jones with some big boots, but then got tossed from one side of the ring to the other, by a "Shooter" german-suplex.

Smith caught Jones coming off the ropes in a samoan-drop, and then tagged in Boyce. The Bad Boy climbed to the top rope, and hit a beautiful swanton-bomb on Tony Jones...1...2...3!!! It's over! Boyce LeGrande and Mark Smith had won the tag team titles, uncrowning the Original Playaz!! What a huge upset this was, as nobody thought Boyce would come back from such a beating, to actually win the match, and take the titles from the champs.

Smith & LeGrande were awarded the belts, as they had ended the almost 2-month reign of the Playaz, not to mention over a year as an undefeated tag champ for Robert Thompson. Ripp, Thompson & Jones were unbelievably upset. I have never seen them this angry. All they could yell about was how it wasn't right, and Smith wasn't scheduled to be the partner. You can be sure that we haven't seen the end of the Playaz feud with the new team of Boyce LeGrande & Mark Smith.

Winners: Boyce LeGrande & Mark Smith in 15:52 to become the NEW APW Universal Tag Team Champions ( * * * )

*Main Event* -"Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels & "Big" Maxx Justice (with Shane Dynasty) vs. "Natural One" Michael Modest & "Future Legend" Donovan Morgan Daniels talked a ton of trash before the match got started, putting down Modest, Donovan, APW and Vallejo. This totally turned the fans against the man they love to call "Fallen Fairy". Morgan & Modest came out, and the match was ready to go. Two of the most feared men in indie wrestling, representing UPW, against the two Franchise Players of APW.

The match got started right away, as Justice/Daniels attacked Modest/Morgan before the bell sounded. This was a very good tag team match all the way from opening bell to the finish. What else would you expect from four wrestlers as hard working as these guys? Back and forth, tons of hot action, lots of quick tags, counters, takedowns, exchanges, chain wrestling etc. Everything you would want from a tag team main event. Justice is looking like an absolute monster, his body looks the best i may have ever seen it. Great spots and some cool false finishes throughout the match. Team UPW had control of the match for a good portion of it, even Morgan breaking out with his unbelievable inverted-last-rights wouldn't get him enough time to tag in Modest. Daniels & Justice used some unseen double team moves, such as Justice powerbombing his partner onto Morgan...or even chokeslaming his own partner on his opponent. These are four very innovative wrestlers, and the fans know to expect anything from these guys.

Finally, a good 13-minutes into the match, Morgan hit his spinning-fishermans-neckbreaker, and tagged in Modest. Mike came in and hit a few downward spirals, and they were right back in it. DVD by Modest on! Justice made the save and went for a chokeslam...however, Modest blocked the move and rolled out of it. A few moves later, he was back in chokeslam position, and once again, he escaped! Modest locked on a Boston Crab on Justice, but thanks to Daniels interference, he was forced to let go. Justice finally got him in the chokeslam, and on the third time...he nailed it! Modest was out in the middle of the ring. But that is where Morgan took over. The action got wild here, with all four men battling it out, in and out of the ring...a ton of stuff going on. Angel Wings by Daniels only got a 2...M-Driver by Donovan got a 2 count as well. False finishes galore by the closing minutes.

Finally, about 17-minutes into the hard fought match, Daniels missed a clothesline attempt, and Modest twisted and turned it into a B*tch Slap! 1...2...3!!! Modest pinned Daniels, and Team APW had swept Team UPW right under the rug! A very good tag team main event, and the Vallejo fans were happy to see Team APW come out on top of this feud that started right here in Vallejo, 4-months ago. Winners: Michael Modest & Donovan Morgan in 17:12 ( * * * 1/2)

-Team APW vs. Team UPW Aftermath... After Team APW's huge win over Team UPW, they weren't satisfied yet. Morgan & Modest decided that they would pay back Shane Dynasty for turning on APW. They knocked him out cold in the middle of the ring, while Justice & Daniels tried to recover from their loss. Morgan announced that the fans would not be leaving until they saw the surprise that Dynasty was going to get. Just then, out came Betty Beefcake!!! She got in the ring, and with Modest/Morgan holding Justice back with steel chairs, she backed that thang up, and unloaded Biscuits & Gravy right in Dynasty's face!!! However, Chris Daniels got into the ring, and put a stop to it. The Fallen Angel grabbed Betty, and was screaming at her. What was he going to do?!?! Modest & Morgan luckily ran to her aide, and hit a chicken-wing-piledriver on him. Daniels was then placed in the corner, and much to the delight of the fans, Betty Beefcake hit Biscuits & Gravy on the Fallen Angel!!! The fans loved it, and Daniels wiped his face off about twenty times, with whatever he could find. Dynasty & Daniels went back to the locker room together, disgusted with what they had just gotten from Betty Beefcake & Team APW.

The fans cheered Modest, Morgan & Betty victorious in the ring, as the show came to a close.


Archives: 6/2/01

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