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Wrestling Links


Here are good wrestling sites that aren't affiliated with the indies, but are still worth checking out.

WrestlingObserver-Good Wrestling News Site, focuses a lot on the Japanese scene

PWTorch- Good Column work, allows fans to write for them as well.

RajahWWF- Very extensive WWF News site, more precise and accurate than most.

ProWrestlingColumns- One of the best unknown news and columns sites, and I post my column here as well!

Live Audio Wrestling- One of the best Wrestling Radio stations, located in Canada. Check out my column there soon!

Cauliflower Alley Club- Historical Club for seasoned and retired veterans of Pro wrestling. A great site for knowledge of this sport.

Wrestling Auction- Buy and sell Wrestling merchandise here.

Be An La Mark- Everything to fill your wrestling thrist.

Slam! Wrestling- Cyrus the Virus (yes, I went there) & Bret Hart post here. Also very good columns and history on wrestlers of days past such as late, great Tex McKenzie.

Pro Wrestling Between the Sheets- Even though Fritzz Capp screwed me out of getting, The current webmaster Bob Magee is quite the individual. Great site for wrestling news, whether indy, WWF, WCW, Japan or Canada.

Pro Wrestling- Your #1 News Source!

Pro Wrestling Radio- Very Good Wrestling Radio Station that broadcasts over the internet. Host Eric Gargiulo has a rich list of accomplishments, including being one of the early men behind RF Video.

Solie's Wrestling Newsletter- The newsletter features exclusive historical articles and interviews, weekly columns, house show reports and recaps of the major weekly WWF.

If you have anything to add or contribute to this page, email me.