Richmond Fayette Artillery
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Richmond Fayette Artillery

In the distance a line of blue appears out of an orchard. The morning sun gleams off the row of fixed bayonets. All muscles tense at the sight of the formidable enemy. Hearts are pounding as they wait for the order from the Gun Sergeant. Suddenly he shouts, "LOAD DOUBLE CANISTER"! Hands move with swiftness and confidence from months of experience.In moments the gun is loaded. Battle weary men ready themselves for the recoil of the gun, and prepare to take aim as the line of blue suddenly stops. Fear grips hardened hearts, as death seems imminent. The distant bayonets now appear too close as they take a steady aim.Finally the Sergeant yells, "FIRE!", and the gun rocks back as the terrible message of death is sent towards the blue line.A barrage of rifle fire zips overhead, but to no avail. The damage of the superior firepower overtakes the enemy. Only holes remain where brave men once stood. Sounds like a page out of history?

Well, it's just an average weekend for some folks that want to remember one of the greatest and most terrible times in American History, and honor those who fought on both sides of The Civil War.

Those interested in Living History may consider the Artillery. The entry cost is minimal, and the dues are low. So if you want to volunteer and serve the great state of Virginia in its fight for liberty contact the ACWA home page:


American Civil War Association


Brief Background

On April 25, 1861, the Fayette Artillery was mustered into state service for one year, with four officers and 108 enlisted men. It was designated Battery I, 1st Reg. Va. Artillery. It was stationed at the Baptist College artillery barracks, equipped as light artillery with four brass 6-pounders, and was reported as being, "well uniformed in blue flannel, and well equipped; disciplined: good, drill: excellent". The Richmond Fayette Artillery fought in most of the major battles in the Eastern Theater of the War. From the Peninsula Campaign to Gettysburg, where the Battery was assigned to Pickett's Division under Longstreet's Corps., to the end of the War at Appomattox where the Battery spiked their guns and cut down their carriages.

We as a Living History unit with the ACWA (American Civil War Association) portray the Richmond Fayette as Battery B, 38th Bn. Va. Light Artillery in late 1863. The unit formed in 1993 in Northern California, and started with a half scale 6 lb piece. As of today the unit has: three 12 lb. Coehorn Mortars, 12 lb. Mount Howitzer, 3/4 Scale Napoleon, two Mount Rifle, 3" Ord. Rifle, 12 lb. Field Howitzer and a 3" Whitworth. We are a family oriented unit with both military and women's relief society.



Unit History

Unit Roster

38th Battalion History

RFA at Gettysburg

Dearing's Letter

RFA Uniform & Equipment Requiements

RFA Photo

RFA Guns

RFA Event Info

RFA By-laws

RFA Who we are Today

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RFA local News


Contact for information:

Capt. Paul Vancas

Web Master: Bill Mahaffey

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since December 2, 2003.

Updated: August 15th, 2005

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