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Part VI - Shattering of the Japanese Dream, and Egg Egg's idolization

June 15 2002

Egg Egg is in a foul mood. She decides to vent it on Zell.

E: You, Zell. Come out this instant!

Z: What's the matter? You look angrier than a bull who's had its rear poked many times.

E: Don't you try to act smart with me. I'm furious. I missed the repeat telecast of the Japan vs Tunisia match. I will never get to watch it again!

Z: Why did you miss it?

E: There wasn't a newspaper in town I could find that would print the time of the repeat telecast! All were so concentrated on the live matches, and I don't blame them! I blame myself for not waking up at five a.m. in the morning to catch it! But by the time I had found out about the time, it was already way past five a.m.!! Why am I so unlucky!! And they say that this was supposed to be one of Nakata's best performances! I wanted to clench my fist and tear out my hair!!

Z: Calm down!! Remember the method I taught you?

E: It's of no use! Whenever I look at his picture, the fact that I missed the match hits me in the eye and makes me even angrier!

Z: But I thought that Channel 5 always shows the goal highlights?

E: It isn't enough. I want to watch the whole match.

Z: Well, you can't, unless they sell videos of past matches.

E: Say, you're right. Maybe I can go and look for those videos. I wanted to see what's the fuss about the own goal by some country. I didn't catch that one, either.

Z: Well, glad that you've calmed down. You looked positively burning a moment ago.

E: Zell......

Z: Yes?

E: I did a most foolish thing.

Z: What can be more foolish than the things you've done so far?

E: I sent a message to him, proclaiming his team's success and brilliance. I realise now that it might have been inappropriate.

Z: (face turns white) Now you've gone and done it.

E: Yappari. You think so too. (Fear paints her face.)

Z: Just kidding. He wouldn't take notice of one little message. Maybe he'd probably delete it before reading. I expect he gets thousands of email per day.

E: That's a great consolation.

Z: Look, sista. You can't have your cake and eat it too. I suggest that you get your mind off him from now on. It's unhealthy, this obsession.

E: Alright.

Z: Really? (surprised)

E: But wait until their match with Turkey on Tuesday. If the scoreline turns out as I predicted, then I can continue liking him. If not...too bad.

Z: Then I will pray hard that they win by more would be too sad if otherwise.

E: Let's just wait and see, then.

Z: Wanna bet on it?

E: On top of the one we have?

Z: (Nods)

E: Okay. What are we betting?

Z: If I win, you will allocate at least two hours per week playing FFVIII. My alter-ego in the game has been idling for so many months because of your exams, and because you're playing another game, FFVII. You're so strange. People go on to later series of the game, and yet you backtrack.

E: You're on to the bet!! I'm not weird! The game was on offer at half the price, for Yisheigai's sake! And I was trying to wait for FFX to come out for the PC version. IF it comes out at all.

Z: Alright. Cross your heart and hope to die.

E: Whatever. (He wouldn't be able to object even if I break the promise. Hehe.)

E: Look, I need to do a lot of work so that I can get our diary online. Can you go back inside for a few moments?

Z: Sure. Just make sure that your wrists don't drop off from all that typing. (Closes application.)

June 16 2002 – Morning

Egg Egg had finished typing the whole of the diary up to the present entry in the space of five hours. She was tired, but very happy with her progress.

Ahhh...the thrill of being able to post a website as the events happen. I can't get enough of it. She smiled indulgently.

E: Zell, I have finished typing.

Z: That was awfully fast. How are your wrists?

E: Just barely connected.

Z: What do you want to talk about?

E: You know, I also supported Germany once. It was during the Euro Cup '96. They won, incidentally.

Z: Once? Don't you do that now?

E: No, silly. The flavour of the month is sushi, not German sausage. Plus their football can be boring, sometimes. I fell asleep at one of their matches, the one where they scored eight goals.

Z: EIGHT? And you still fell asleep?

E: Yeah (grinned sheepishly).

Z: You're hard to please.

E: You said I was easy to please before.

Z: That was then. I didn't know you enough.

E: Does that mean you are interested in knowing me now? (cheeky glint in eye)

Z: O...of course not. Stop uttering nonsense.

E: When you blush, it makes you so cute that I want to pinch your cheeks.

Z: (glowers) If you dare to attempt such a move, I will strike you down with my dolphin blow.

E: Alright. So serious for what? Anyway, I gotta rest. My bum is aching from sitting at my desk for too long.

Z: Bye. (Closed application.)

(Beware...this part has not ended as yet. There will be more additions when the results of the match of Japan against Turkey is out...till then.)

June 17 2002 - 23:11hrs (the day before the match)

Z: So...what are you doing here with me? I thought that you wouldn't be recording any more entries until the results of the match against Japan and Turkey are out?

E: What? Don't you welcome me? Do you loathe me so much that the mere sight of me has you asking about this and that?

Z: Suit yourself. I was not the one with the barely-connected wrists and aching bum! Here is one woman who just won't do as she says. I really wonder if you will keep your end of the deal when you lose the bet!

E: IF I lose the bet, that is! Why are you so keen on getting me off Nakata-san? (Woo-hoo, another change?)

Z: I can see what an unhealthy influence it has on your mind. I want to stop you before you are declared a mental case and shut into a padded-cell.

E: So what if I am? It isn't any concern of yours.

Z: I'm tired of the subject. Tell me, then, why are you so obsessed to Japan and its everything?

E: You know, I've been asking about that myself. And I have totally no idea. It started all of eight years ago...back when the Ha-Ri craze wasn't so hot. It was a pro-American craze then, I think.

Z: What's Ha-Ri?

E: Oh, sorry. It's actually Chinese for "Extremely Fond of Japan", Ha being extremely fond, and Ri being Japan.

Z: You must have been a Female Japanese dog in your previous life.

E: Why was I a dog? If you do not give me a good explanation, you will regret painfully having said that!!

Z: Well, because you have admitted before that you are a greedy bitch. A bitch is a female dog. Thus, a Female Japanese dog. Sounds logical, doesn't it?

E: (Tries to wrench his ear, but fails, of course) How dare you make fun of me in this way? How can you call me a dog? If I'm a dog, you're a dog's servant! (Attempts to make a furious expression)
BBBBWaahahahahahahahahahahhahha!!! I can't stand you! You had to make me laugh, even as you're insulting me!!

Z: That, is one of my specialties. You have trained me well, my master!!

E: So you're saying that I brought all this upon myself?

Z: Oooh, I wouldn't be so bold as to suggest such a thing. But if you want to think in that way, I won't object at all!

E: Sigh. You're making me lose my purpose of chatting with you tonight.

Z: What is your purpose, by the way?

E: I just wanted to comment that after watching a few of those second round matches (or KO matches, as some call them), those remaining teams had better practice up on their penalty kicks. It's a very important component of the match, you know.

Z: How is it so? I have zilch knowledge about football.

E: You see, when a second round match ends in a draw, it will extend into extra time, (I'm not sure how long, sorry) where the first team that wins a goal, wins the match. And then, if there isn't a golden goal at extra time, they will proceed to penalty shootouts to decide on the winner. That is all the information that my shallow knowledge of football can offer.

Z: Uhmmm...okay.

E: You don't understand it, do you?

Z: Not really.

E: That's okay. I don't understand half the rules either. I only like to watch them kick the ball around. And when a goal comes (for my favourite team, of course), I like to raise my arms into the air and cheer.

Z: Which means, you're a fake.

E: (Acts offended)!!!

Z: (Skeptical expression)......

E: You're right, again. Why are you so annoying? Have you not the decency to pretend not to know sometimes? So that I wouldn't be humiliated for trying to cover up my faults?

Z: I detest dishonest persons.

E: DISHONEST? What's so dishonest about not knowing the rules of football?

Z: It is dishonest when you pretend that you are an expert about it.


Z: Yes, you did. You were so triumphant about your predictions being half-correct, and even tried to teach me some of the rules. What do you have to say to that?

E: (Suddenly) I'm tired.

Z: Hmmmph, what an old trick.

E: I have a pounding headache, and now it's worse because of your taunts! OH, MY POOR HEAD!! (Clutches at it as if she's had a massive brain haemorrhage.)

Z: You're such a big fakie.


Z: By the way, what's that prediction again? And who will be the goal-scorers? (What a clever boy.)

E: (calms down immediately) It will be Japan 2, Turkey 1.

I don't think it would be a goal-less draw at half-time. I foresee that Nakata-san will score a goal just before half-time at the 44th minute, because maybe they can't afford to use too much time for their strategy. This is a KO match, you know. And then, at the 70th minute, Junichi Inamoto might score another. In a bid to save face, Turkey's Hakan Sukur will score one at the 75th minute.

If this all comes true...I think I will die from a heart-attack. It already spooked me enough the last time, when Nakata-san's time is about the same as my prediction....omigod.

Z: That's getting rather specific, isn't it? Aren't you afraid of losing the bet? If one single prediction is wrong, ehehehehehhehe!!!

E: Surely you aren't going to be so calculating!

Z: I'll give a concession. If the time isn't right, I won't take it into consideration.

E: Whew...because if I can be so accurate in predictions, I would have passed all my exams a long, long time ago. Spot the questions!! Geddit?

Z: You said that the time of N.H's goal is the same as your prediction? How do we know that you didn't change it secretly?

E: PULEEEEEEASE, Zell! If I had wanted my prediction to appear correct, I would have changed it to two goals instead of three. Three was actually a little Over-The-Top, now that I think of it. Belive it or not, it's your choice. Besides, the time was a common one to score goals. Anyone could have got it right.

Z: So, back to the bet. You swear that if your predictions aren't correct, you will not be obssessed with your precious N.H. anymore?

E: I swear it upon my very blood. Are you satisfied now? And you had better be prepared to face the consequences to such a result.

Z: What consequences? You can scare me off of it, if that's what you're trying to do.

E: Damn if I were to tell you. I would sooner cut off my tongue.

Z: Ooooh, getting violent here, aren't we? First you swear it upon your blood, then you cut off your tongue.

E: I really have a headache now.

Z: (Disdainfully) Then you had better rest now, hadn't you? My dear Princess Liar.

E: And you are the regular Dork Flystalker (As opposed to Luke you-kno-who) himself!!

Z: And I suppose H.N. would be Oni-one-Hidetoshi (As opposed to Obi-Wan-Kenobi).

E: (Groans) God, we're so bad at these puns. Even I can't stand it.

Z: No argument about that.

E and Z: (looks at each other) WAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA!!!

E: Zell, you really kill me with your brand of weird humour, you know.

Z: Inherited from the Great Weird-ness herself.

E: (Dryly)Delighted by your compliments,as usual.

Z: (Equally as Dryly) Sure, anytime.

E: Argh, I was supposed to have signed off eleven lines ago. Let me off, will you.

Z: Should I turn myself off?

E: Please. I'll be eternally grateful.

Z: You use the word eternally too lightly. (Bleep)

Egg Egg proceeds to serach the world wide web for a picture of her idol, Nakata-san. She knows that this might be the last chance she would have to do so, if Zell was bent on making her fufill her end of the bargain. A is totally surprised that she is so willing to listen to Zell. Masaka.......!!! (I'll tell you the meaning when I'm totally sure of it.) Stay tuned for the results of the Japan vs Turkey match and its consequences......Wahahahahahahah!!!

June 18 2002 - 1048hrs (GMT +08:00)

Z: What are you doing here!!! The match is only a few hours away, aren't you slated to record an entry only after the match?

E: A dark omen. Blood has been spilt. The sky is overcast with angry-looking clouds. I will lose my bet, but Japan will win....only by a larger margin than I have predicted. Goodbye, Nakata-san.

Z: Ewwww, that's gross. There's blood all over your toe. Will you please clean it up? Get away from me. And it's still too early to say about your bet! The results aren't out yet.

E: (says cryptically to him) The dark voice of the future spoke to me in my dreams. It said that the match will turn out in Japan's favour, but not the way I wished. You cannot distrust the dark voice of the future.........

Z: You're just trying to hike up the tension. Go away. I don't want to see you again before 5.00 p.m., after the match has ended. (Bleep)

Egg Egg ignores his kind advice and walks around with dried blood encrusting her toe (a curious fact, cos the wound was tiny). It is not known what has gotten over her. A (Author,lah!) shakes the head and wonders if she really does have that brain haemorrhage she was pretending to be suffering from the night before.

June 18 2002 - 1717hrs (Just after the match where Japan lost by a goal to turkey...sad.)

Egg Egg comes into the room with a droopy face and bloodshot, swollen eyes, evidently due to a prolonged bout of crying.

E: Zell......

Z: (softly) Japan lost?

E: (Nods mournfully) It's all my fault that they lost.

Z: Silly girl, it is none of your fault!


Z: What has that got to do with anything?

E: EGG represents zero! A zero supporting them? Of course they would have been goalless!! (Bawls her eyes out.)

Z: Calm down now, Egg Egg. That's just a coincidence. It doesn't have anything to do with your name.

E: Those players...they were struggling to keep their tears in check as they congratulated their opponents...I brought this unto them...(Looks heavenward) I'm sorry, Japan...I'm really sorry, Nakata-kun.

Z: Look, don't be too upset over it. What if I let you continue idolizing him? Will you cheer up, then?

E: (shakes head) It would only harm him in all the subsequent matches he'll be in. I don't want to be the jinx. I will give it up. Just as I promised.

(softly) Farewell, Nakata-kun. It was exhilarating while it lasted. You touched my heart, but it wasn't meant to more surfing for your more waiting eagerly for those Nike (trademark) commercials that featured you...and no more messages to your inbox...even though there were only two...I will miss them.

Z: There were two of those? Never mind, you can tell me about them another time, when you're calmer.

E: That omen was a dark one, afterall. Only the dark voice in the future was distorted. I knew it was unlucky to have spilt blood hours before the match.... but not this unlucky!!

Z: (Uneasily) Now, Egg Egg. It really wasn't your fault. You should stop thinking of it in that way.

E: Zell, do you think I can take one last look at his newspaper cuttings, before I throw them away?

Z: Why are you throwing them away? I said that you don't have to fufill your promise. Afterall, I lost the bet too, saying that they would win by a bigger margin.

E: Thanks, Zell, but no thanks.

Egg Egg takes out her pictures of H.N. and starts to kiss them one by one, before throwing them into the paperbin. She then empties the paperbin into the rubbish chute, never to be seen again.

E: Oh Zell!!! (Runs to him and flings herself into his chest.)

Zell was understandably taken by surprise, and was confused as to what he should do. He finally decides to pat her on the back gingerly with one hand, while stroking her hair with the other.

Z: Cry all you want, babe. Cry all you want. I'll be here for you.

Egg Egg's tears subsided a little. Miracurously, she could feel a little of the patting on her back, and the stroking of her hair. Just a little contact, but good enough.

Author: ......Egg Egg represents me. What she feels some of the time, I will feel it also, even if I do not do some of the crazy actions (like kiss the pictures?!!!!). So, essentially, I am feeling quite down and disappointed at the ousting of Japan from the World Cup Finals. This is really the KO (knock out) round. Sigh...this is just too sad. What a long wait it will be until the next World Cup....four years later. And then the tables will be turned, for the homeground advantage is no longer there. A pity, really.

The moral of this chapter is, football is a dynamic and unpredictable game, and you just can't simply predict it and hope to win all the time. You win some, you lose some. I had hoped that they wouldn't lose this one, but it cannot be helped.

Well, that marks the end of the chapter. 'Till the next...Egg Egg will have plenty to talk about, don't worry. And you can be sure that she will still be watching the WC, if only to see if the Turkish will get to the Finals and justify their win over Japan. Plus, remember that old flavour, German sausage? Wahahaha. Maybe there'll be more predictions, with less at stake this time.

My favourite websites (hehehe)

Ancient Tales - Gods from Yishegai
The Cursed Living Doll
The Storyteller's Tent
The Virtual Diary with Zell Intro
Part IV - So many changes, so many ups and downs
Part V - Egg Egg's Predictions
Part VII - Hangover of the Shattered Dreams
The Zell and Hidetoshi Nakata Pictures
