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Part XII - What's Gonna Happen to them?

Please take note that the following session between a shrink and his patient is entirely fictitious. It does not represent in any way what a consultation might be like in reality. This is due to the fact that the author has no experience whatsoever in such matters. The below advice and diagnosis by the shrink should not be substituted by a real consultation should you feel the need to have one (which I truly doubt so.)

In the same time that we were reading/writing the above meaningless garbage, Miss A had been coerced into a consultation with a shrink with intimidating credentials. Below is an extract of the session:

Shrink: Describe what goes on in this alternate world of yours.

A: I have two friends. One is an idealistic version of myself. The other is a character from an RPG game.

Shrink: Yes. I suppose all that is written in this manuscript you have given to me?

A: Yes. I feel the most fulfilled whenever I am giving them mindless torture by erecting countless obstacles in their path.

Shrink: And do you feel that they are real, or are they just a game to you?

A: As real as it gets. In my mind, they are even more real than the mask-donning society outside. Including you.

Shrink: (Brushes it aside). Do you feel uncomfortable in the so-called outside world?

A: That's one of the stupidest question I've ever heard. Of course I am. A self-absorbed anti-social sea urchin, if you like! In my self-created world, I can at least become a demi-goddess of some sort. At least I have some control over the events are part of my life, or influence it!

Shrink: Right. Please take a seat in the reception area. Your report will be ready in a week.

A: (Dryly)Thank heavens. I can hardly wait.

Now, is the time for you to decide.

What would happen to A?

<(1) The shrink thinks that she just has a little too much imagination and needs to socialise a bit more, that's all.>

<(2) The shrink pronounces her a dangerous nutcase and "directs" her to a special hotel exclusively reserved for people just like her.

WARNING: What you choose will have a serious impact on your subsequent enjoyment of the ending.

Finally. The ordeal has ended.

The Yisheigai Intro
The Cursed Living Doll
The Storyteller's Tent
The Virtual Diary with Zell Intro
Part I - The Re-education of Zell
Part II - What N.H. did to Egg Egg
Part III - Wistful Dreams
Part IV - So many changes, so many ups and downs
Part V - Egg Egg's predictions
Part VI - The Shattering of the Japanese Dream and Egg Egg's Idolisation
Part VII - The Hangover of Shattered Dreams
Part VIII - The World Cup closes its Curtains
Part IX - To Love or not to Love... is it a worthy question?
Part X - Parting is such a sweet sorrow.....(I)
Part XI - Parting is such a sweet sorrow......(II)
The Zell and Hidetoshi Nakata pictures
