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Choosing a Court!

Faery Court!
Faery Court by © Amy Brown

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A Note From Sunset About Choosing Courts

As many (and hopefully all of you) know, we agreed to -try- a change in clan structure.  Remember that NOTHING is set in stone, things can change, and ultimately if this idea causes too much unhappiness, we can always turn back to where we were. Before I say which note to read, I just want to say, that the note itself is the 'formal and official' writeout, for non clannies to read, imms, etc. It's important that a document such as that to look official.

However, it doesn't mean that we wont let thing's slide in the clan. If someone from one court wants to do something the other court might be scheming up, well there is always a way to join in. All you need do is come to one of the leaders and tell us why you want to participate in the other court's thought up process, and even then, there will probably be things that we'll let slide, even if we're not there at the time as long as we know of it sooner or later.  The pk part of the unseelie however is not included in this, what I mean is, if you decide to *choose* seelie, and want to do pk that the unseelie court is more accustomed to, you should consider setting up an appointment with a leader to consider changing your court.

I ask that everyone who wishes to join a side during this trial phase to do so now. The choices are Seelie and Unseelie. The activities of each are described in note 1747 on the personal board. Remember nothing is set in stone, so please dont get upset that as one court you might not be able to do other things, we will work on that ;).

I would like to make it known that there might be a few Daoin'ees who are not making a choice during this trial period of which court they want (they want to see how it goes) And this is fine. If you are too uncomfortable with this at the moment you can just sorta watch, but i do encourage those that are comfortable to join a court.

When you have decided on which court you want to join, please write a note on the personal board addressed to Rootbreaker (unseelie court leader), Hettar (seelie court leader) or Sunset.

This will inform the leaders of the clan, and Candace who is keeping track of who's going to be what, along with doing other helpful things, of who is going to be joining who. Please also include a small statement (or long, if you wish) of why your choosing the court you are.  This will -NOT- determine if you make it into the court.. >when you choose, your will just give us an idea of why you chose that court..its purely for our purposes of just having a general idea of why you chose that court, and it wont be criticized.

Now for the symbols... Once you have written your note to us claiming which court you wish to try out, you have the option (no, you dont have to if you dont want to/like your title as it is) of adding the following symbols to your title to let clannies/non clannies know pretty much how your character is ;) (ie seelie symbols being a good natured fae, nonseelie being a more naughty fae)

There is a long version and abbreviated version for each side, and it's up to you which you want to choose.  I personally decided to choose the small version because the long version wouldnt fit in my title unless I had changed it. Once again, you are NOT required to do this, its only
for your enjoyment ;)
Seelie symbols:  *Seelie* or *S*
Unseelie symbols:  *Unseelie* or *U*

These colors were both chosen from our logo/portal colors.

Lastly (For now) I am asking that if you have chosen of the unseelie court, or are of the seelie court and wish to tag along on the following events, that none of you participate in the fake raids that unseelie might organize in the future, and that unseelie NOT pk in any way other then how we are outlined pkwise right now. I wish to organize our information file in our help file on here, and on our web page, before we allow each court to engage in these new behaviours.

Questions? comments? Upset? I'm here to talk, if you'd like, and will do my best to assure you...*hug all*

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